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Industry focus – by 2030, the precast building area will account for 95% – Interpretation of Hainan precast building industry development

Stimulate market demand and expand market scale.

The plan makes a detailed analysis from six perspectives.

In particular, as the industrial chain develops in depth and breadth, it will drive more relevant supporting industries to emerge as the times require.

The advantages, technical strength and advanced experience of the precast construction industry can also be popularized and applied in Southeast Asia.

There is a shortage of talents from all parties involved in the industry.

However, there are still some shortcomings and weaknesses in the development of the precast construction industry.

Sixthly, the construction and development of the gold medal port Park as a whole industrial chain Park of precast buildings will support the sound and high-quality development of Hainan’s precast construction industrial chain and promote the circulation inside and outside the province.

First, production capacity needs to be balanced between supply and demand.

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3、 What are the challenges facing the development of precast construction industry in our province? The development of the precast construction industry in the province mainly faces four challenges, which need to be paid attention to and solved.

Fourth, good traffic conditions.

According to the requirements of important documents such as the 14th five year plan for national economic and social development of Hainan Province and the outline of long-term goals for the year 2013, the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development has organized the preparation of the Hainan precast construction industry development plan (2022~2030), which is used to guide the establishment of a precast construction industry chain with complete categories, scientific layout and balanced supply and demand, and promote the traditional construction industry to a modern industry with advanced technology Transformation and upgrading of green industries for energy conservation and emission reduction.

The breadth and depth of quality supervision need to be improved.

In particular, pay attention to the relationship between the timeliness and periodicity of market demand and the construction of production capacity, so as to avoid extreme capacity vacancy or overcapacity.

2、 What are the conditions for the development of precast construction industry in this province? The development of the precast construction industry in the province is in a golden period.

And strengthen the connection with international transportation rules, improve the level of international logistics facilitation, and provide basic support for the logistics transportation of precast construction industry.

After entering the 21st century, with the continuous expansion of the industrial scale of China’s construction industry, the people’s demand for high-quality housing is growing.

We should continue to improve the industrial application level of various systems of precast buildings and guide the use of more system products.

Annex: Hainan precast construction industry development plan (2022-2030) Hainan precast construction promotion Joint Conference Office (seal) June 10, 2022 (this document was actively disclosed) Hainan precast construction industry development plan I.

It can form a linkage development trend with Guangdong and Guangxi regions to jointly build a precast construction industry system.

Hainan Province has initially formed a comprehensive transportation network with the island ring expressway as the skeleton, ordinary national and provincial roads as the trunk line, and rural roads as the distribution network.

The capacity improvement of all parties involved in the construction can not keep up with the development speed.

Fifth, raw material resources are relatively scarce.

background and significance of the plan the precast construction industry has the characteristics of high industrial relevance, long industrial chain, numerous industrial branches and high economic contribution rate.

Fourth, innovation capability needs to be strengthened..

Second, the industrial structure needs to be adjusted.

Second, geographical location advantage.

People’s governments of all cities, counties and autonomous counties, member units of the provincial Joint Conference on the promotion of precast buildings, and relevant units: the Hainan precast building industry development plan (2022-2030) is hereby printed and distributed to you.

Please comply with it.

Among the local mineral resources in Hainan Province, in addition to cement limestone, the supply of sand, stone, clay, steel and other resources for construction is insufficient, which is more dependent on imports from outside the island, restricting the large-scale development of the precast construction industry.

Third, market demand needs to be driven.

It is necessary to sort out the core, supporting and supporting industries of precast buildings in the province, further optimize the industrial structure, not only limited to production, but also consider the development of precast building R & D, consulting, testing, intelligent products, equipment manufacturing, business services, logistics warehousing, education and training and other related industries, pay attention to the cultivation of weak industries, and promote the formation of a benign and complete industrial chain.

The development of precast buildings in China has experienced twists and turns.

Since the provincial government issued the implementation opinions on vigorously developing precast buildings (qiongfu [2017] No.

The development speed of appropriate technical product system and supporting production capacity is slow.

The development of precast buildings can form new market demand for the production of components and parts, special equipment manufacturing, logistics industry, information industry and other related industries, which is conducive to promoting industrial restructuring and increasing employment.

The construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics has brought the policy dividend of “zero tariff, low tax rate and simple tax system” to the development of precast construction industry.

100) in 2017, Hainan precast buildings have made great progress, the policy system has been gradually improved, the standard system has been continuously improved, the industrial cultivation has begun to take shape, and the precast industrial chain has begun to extend to the upstream and downstream.

At the same time, due to the reduction of the working age population and the deepening of the aging degree, the population benefits are gradually fading out, which makes the precast construction industry usher in a new development opportunity.

With the increasing demand for the construction of Hainan free trade port and the vigorous development of secure housing, affordable rental housing and public rental housing in the province, the scale of the construction industry will be further expanded.

At the same time, as one of the four landmark projects of Hainan free trade port “national ecological civilization pilot zone”, the precast building has created conditions for the development of related industries.

Third, the market potential is huge.

Precast buildings have developed to a relatively mature and perfect stage in major developed countries, and their development experience can be used for reference.

First, the policy environment is good.

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