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Industry Report | Difficulties and Challenges in the Development of Assembled Decoration Industry

They have also solved some practical problems, promoted the industrial development to a certain extent, and gained some recognition in the capital market.

How to solve the matching degree between the design data and production data of the assembled decoration is a problem that must be solved by the assembled interior decoration software at this stage, and it is also the only way for the digital development of the assembled decoration.

The traditional classroom teaching is a single teaching method based on theory teaching, with teachers as the center, “teachers talk and students listen; teachers test and students recite”.

Their ability to guide students in practical teaching is limited, and the effect of practical teaching is greatly reduced.

In the short term, it can greatly meet the needs of developers for improving the assembly rate, but it has little effect in optimizing customer experience and reducing costs.

Assembled decoration started late and developed rapidly.

Its core is the research and development of connection materials and connection methods; The second is the main material innovation mode, that is, using new materials and new processes to replace traditional building materials as decorative materials.

The combination of theory and practice is less, and students’ practical ability cannot be exercised.

This is due to imperfect assembly technology, insufficient supply of parts and components, and incomplete technical standards and policy system, which makes it difficult for precast decoration to form a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain.

However, from the perspective of total cost, the cost of precast decoration is higher than that of traditional decoration.

It is obvious that assembled decoration has more economic value.

Intelligent manufacturing At present, intelligent equipment has been widely used in intelligent manufacturing of assembly type decoration components and related facilities in foreign developed countries.

Assembled decoration technology brings shorter construction period, higher rate of housing acquisition and safer and green construction environment.

Many vocational colleges and industries lack initiative and enthusiasm, and the cooperation is not deep enough to form a virtuous circle of cooperation and interaction.

Due to the late development of China’s assembly decoration industry as a whole, the imperfect talent training mechanism, and the need to further strengthen the training of professional and technical personnel, compound talents, especially the design team, need to be built.

The material integration mode does not change the original main materials, but only develops the connection and fixing processes according to the properties of different main materials.

In the past, a large number of traditional decoration workers came from peasant brothers.

Integration of industry and education (1) There is too little connection between the training objective and the industry demand At present, the training of talents in the construction decoration specialty of higher vocational education cannot fully meet the needs of the industry talents, lacks the accurate positioning of the regional industrial development, and the training objectives are relatively extensive and lack of pertinence, resulting in insufficient connection between the professional teaching and the actual work, the professional practice process is disconnected from the production process, and there is a gap between the students’ ability and the enterprise post needs.

Compared with latex paint walls and wallpaper walls, the price is slightly higher, and the advantages are not obvious, but compared with wood facing walls, the advantages are obvious.

At present, China is promoting the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and precast buildings have become a national strategic choice.

The cast calcium silicate board, cast bamboo wood fiber board, and cast rock board in the wall system are relatively mature.

The accumulation of user badges takes time to settle down, and the products still need to be improved according to the user experience.

Digital development At present, a number of digital software enterprises have emerged in the home decoration service industry, such as Kujiale, Sanwei Home, Tangjikode, which have started to have some applications in the design end, marketing end, factory end, and management end.

However, the domestic assembly type decoration industry has developed slowly in intelligent application, and the existing intelligent equipment and production technology are not widely used in indoor assembly type decoration..

(2) Theoretical teaching and practical ability training disjointed architectural decoration engineering technology specialty should cultivate compound skilled talents, which requires outstanding practical ability and practical ability.

According to the survey, due to the influence of teaching conditions, school enterprise cooperation mechanism, regional economic development and other factors, some vocational colleges have insufficient awareness of social services and do not attach importance to the docking with the industry.

At this stage, the industry mainly accepts cast wall and ceiling systems.

At the same time, in the new track of assembly decoration, the acceleration of the industrialization process has become an irreversible trend.

Cost Cost In terms of energy consumption, the amount of water, coal and materials used in precast decoration is much lower than that of traditional decoration, which not only saves costs, but also saves energy.

At present, the core pain point of assembled decoration lies in the acceptance of customers and real estate developers.

However, the precast decoration technology needs new building industrialization professionals who understand both design and installation technology to complete.

With the urbanization process and the development and popularization of national higher education, the number of new generation traditional workers engaged in the construction decoration industry, such as the post-80s, post-90s and post-00s, will be less and less.

At the same time, it is necessary to innovate the talent training mode, establish a long-term talent training mechanism in professional ethics, curriculum system, teaching material library, technical practice and other aspects, and meet the needs of the industrialized development of assembly decoration.

However, in the field of assembly software, there are no real big players.

Second, real estate developers question the stability of cost and supply.

The traditional decoration industry involves a large number of manpower.

Loop Box

Many players who have never seen in the past are now slowly emerging and quietly making efforts in the field of assembly decoration.

First, customers question whether they can achieve the same quality as traditional decoration.

Industry chain construction Currently, there are two modes for decoration enterprises to enter the assembly decoration market.

With the advantages of large-scale industrial manufacturing, the innovation mode of main materials can gradually solve the problems of customer acceptance and cost.

At present, there is a very lack of compound talents in society.

One is the material integration mode, that is, the traditional building materials are more suitable for dry construction through process innovation.

On the other hand, full-time teachers lack rich work experience and corresponding practical ability.

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