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Innovation leading — the first cast steel structure residential project in Laoshan District passed the expert review

On March 11, Qingdao Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development organized Qingdao construction industry modernization experts to conduct expert review on the first cast steel structure residential project in Laoshan District – Dongfang Yuefu (plot C 8#, 9# building).

The construction unit is Qingdao haozhong Real Estate Co., Ltd.

After research, the experts attending the meeting confirmed that the single assembly rate of the project reached 60% according to the evaluation standard for precast buildings (DB37 / t5127-2018), and issued the pre evaluation opinion of precast buildings.

As an important carrier of green and low-carbon transformation in the construction industry, steel structure buildings reviewed by experts have the characteristics of good seismic performance and resource saving.

According to the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the expert review meeting adopted the method of “Online + offline”, and the steel structure deepening design unit communicated and discussed with on-site experts through network connection.

The project is located at No.

17 Shushan Road, Laoshan District.

and the design unit is Qingdao Beiyang Architectural Design Co., Ltd, The project adopts steel frame shear wall structure, with a construction area of about 10640 square meters.

Contributor: Construction Technology Section.

8# single effect 9# single effect in recent years, Laoshan District has vigorously promoted steel structure buildings.

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It is estimated that compared with ordinary concrete buildings, steel structure buildings can reduce energy consumption by 12%, water consumption by 39%, carbon dioxide emission by 15% and dust emission by 59% during production and construction.

Among them, the steel structure building of Beizhai Central Primary School has been put into use, the reconstruction and expansion of steel structure building of special education school in Laoshan District has been started, and Dongfang Yuefu (plot C 8#, 9# building) project is the first in Laoshan District and one of the few cast steel structure residential projects in Qingdao, It plays a good role in promoting the high-level development of steel structure buildings and the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in our district and even the whole city, and provides a model model that can be used for reference and copied for the promotion of steel structure housing.

At the same time, the promotion of steel structure buildings plays a good role in promoting the realization of building industrialization and intelligent construction.

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