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Is the development prospect of precast buildings really good?

Crown Foot Anchor

Data source: prospective research institute 2 why should we support precast buildings? The advantages of high quality, high efficiency, green environmental protection and driving the industrial chain of precast buildings are the main reasons for the strong support of the state.

Data source: in the past, the prospective research institute focused more on the efficiency and quality of precast buildings when real estate enterprises participated in precast buildings.

Under the call of national policies, more than 30 provinces and cities across the country have issued support policies for assembly, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hebei and other regions.

To achieve the target of 30%, the plan given in the guiding opinions is to “focus on the three urban agglomerations of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, actively promote other cities with a permanent population of more than 3 million, and encourage other cities to develop precast buildings such as precast concrete structure, steel structure and modern wood structure according to local conditions”.

They are the inevitable development trend of the construction industry in the future.

Therefore, there was an embarrassing situation of “using a small amount of public buildings and not using residential buildings as much as possible” in the past.

As a result, the superiority and potential of precast buildings have been ignored by the public for a long time.

However, at present, the domestic development system in the field of precast buildings is not mature, the paradox of scale and cost, the lack of standardization system, the imperfection of supervision system, the insufficient degree of industry integration and low social awareness, all of which restrict the development of dress style buildings.

In contrast, due to historical reasons, domestic precast buildings started late, resulting in immature technology and high cost, which has led to the slow promotion process of precast buildings.

Although the future is a trillion blue ocean, the development of precast buildings has a long way to go! The copyright belongs to the original author.

Now, taking a share in this field is also the development direction of enterprises.

Compared with the traditional building method, the precast building realizes the “five sections and one environmental protection”, that is, water saving, energy saving, time saving, material saving and land saving, so that the resource utilization changes from extensive to intensive, which greatly reduces the pollution of the construction site.

On September 27, 2016, the general office of the State Council issued the guidance on vigorously developing precast buildings.

Differences in the development of precast buildings at home and abroad at the first World Expo in 1851, Britain built a crystal palace by inlaying glass with iron skeleton, which is also the first precast building in the world.

The 3 trillion head capital is eyeing the country’s policy inclination, so that the domestic construction industry can still divide the 6 trillion market output value through precast construction in the next 10 years.

Many real estate enterprises have increased or started to invest in precast buildings with the help of policies.

China will strive to make the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings reach 30% in about 10 years.

Since the 1960s, precast buildings in Europe, America, Japan and other regions have grown rapidly to the forefront of the world.

There is no doubt that precast buildings are an important carrier for China to change the urban construction mode, effectively reduce building energy consumption and promote the new industrialization of buildings.

After the outbreak of the Second World War, the severe demand for shelters promoted the development of precast buildings.

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