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Jiangxi │ 50% precast buildings, Ganzhou City issued the notice on accelerating the high-quality development of precast buildings

Precast building is a fundamental change in the construction mode.

For engineering projects that adopt but do not adopt the assembly construction method, the departments of natural resources, housing and construction shall urge the relevant responsible subjects to implement the rectification.

All localities should actively promote the precast concrete structure system, fully use the common components such as precast laminated floor slab, precast internal partition board (ALC light partition wall, ceramsite concrete board) and precast stair board, and promote the use of non load-bearing external enclosure wall components such as thermal insulation, decoration and thermal insulation integrated board.

5、 Further promote the construction of standardization.

When reviewing the budget of government investment projects, the financial department shall reasonably and legally confirm the increased budget expenses due to the implementation of precast buildings.

11) The implementation opinions of Ganzhou Municipal People’s Government on further promoting the development of precast buildings (GSF [2020] No.

52) people’s governments of counties (cities and districts), relevant departments of municipal government, municipal and municipal units: in order to seriously implement the opinions of the Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, the Provincial Department of industry and information technology and the Provincial Department of natural resources on accelerating the development of precast buildings in the province (GJZ [2020] No.

If the rectification is not implemented in place, it shall be recorded in the credit file according to law.

It is also the only way to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

Notice of Ganzhou Municipal People’s Government Office on accelerating the high-quality development of precast buildings (gsfbz [2022] No.

12) and the spirit of the provincial Conference on promoting the development of precast buildings, combined with the actual situation of our city, the notice on accelerating the high-quality development of precast buildings in the city is as follows: first, further improve ideological understanding.

If the approval project is involved, the construction unit shall be required to specify the implementation of the precast building in the letter of commitment.

Precast buildings shall continue to be included in the high-quality development assessment of counties (cities and districts).

2、 Further improve the construction objectives and standards.

All localities should scientifically formulate the annual implementation plan of precast buildings, prepare the project library and publish it around the annual objectives and tasks.

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The natural resources department shall implement the requirements for transferring and allocating state-owned construction land to implement precast buildings according to the annual implementation proportion of precast building area, and incorporate the requirements for the proportion of precast building area and assembly rate into the planning conditions.

If the annual objectives and tasks (referring to the proportion of newly started precast building area in the year) are not completed, zero point will be obtained.

All relevant departments in all localities should actively guide the construction, design, production, construction and other units to effectively enhance the awareness of standardization and further promote the standardized construction of precast buildings.

The departments of housing construction, development and reform, natural resources, administrative examination and approval, finance and other departments at the municipal and county levels should strengthen work linkage, control projects from the source and ensure the implementation of the requirements of assembled buildings.

The development and reform department shall strengthen the project approval review of precast construction projects and include the relevant expenses of precast construction into the investment estimation.

All relevant departments in all localities should further improve their ideological understanding, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, meet the difficulties with the energy and hard work of “demonstration and bravery”, do solid work, innovate and strive for excellence, and accelerate the high-quality development of precast buildings in our city.

All localities shall strictly implement the requirements of Document No.

On the premise of ensuring quality and safety, use precast beams, precast columns and other main stressed components, encourage the implementation of precast decoration, and steadily improve the single assembly rate.

During the feasibility report and preliminary design review, the precast construction experts shall be invited to participate and focus on the implementation of the indicators of precast construction.

3、 Further expand the scope of application.

The assembly rate shall be calculated in accordance with the evaluation standard of precast buildings in Jiangxi Province (DBJ / t36-064-2021).

The single assembly rate of newly started precast construction projects in the city shall not be less than 30%, and those less than 30% shall not be recognized as precast buildings and shall not enjoy any preferential policies.

Encourage the Municipal Institute of internal medicine and experienced construction enterprises to participate in the preparation of the size guide for the main components of cast concrete structure and steel structure in Ganzhou, promote the standardization of precast laminated floor slab, wallboard, stair slab and other general components, and gradually reduce the production cost of components and components.

When handling the construction permit, the administrative examination and approval department shall specify the relevant indicators of the precast building of the construction project on the construction permit.

[2020] 12 issued by the government of Jiangxi Province to ensure that the proportion of newly started precast buildings in the new construction area in the same period in 2022 will not be less than 35%, and will increase by 5% year by year, reaching 50% by 2025 (among which, the proportion of newly started steel structure precast houses in the new construction area in the same period will not be less than 10%).

Actively promote the application of standardized, modular and integrated decoration, integrated components, pipeline separation and integrated decoration technology in commercial housing..

It is an effective way to achieve the goals of energy conservation and emission reduction and “double carbon” in the construction field.

State owned or state-owned investment oriented commercial housing, resettlement housing, affordable housing and other projects should take the lead in promoting standardization.

The construction projects with state-owned investment or mainly state-owned investment that meet the conditions of precast construction in the city must implement precast construction according to 100% of the area; Other projects must strictly implement the requirements for the proportion of annual cast building area.

4、 Further strengthen the source control of the project.

We will vigorously develop the precast steel structure housing system, expand its application in commercial housing, large public buildings and ultra-high special-shaped buildings, and adopt new construction methods such as precast steel structure and wood (bamboo) structure according to local conditions in the construction of rural residents’ housing, tourist accommodation, public toilets and temporary sentry boxes.

As a national model city of precast buildings and a pilot city of steel structure precast housing construction in the whole province, our city has a greater responsibility to promote the development of precast buildings.

The design unit shall actively adopt the standard for design and selection of precast buildings and houses, the guide for the dimensions of main components of precast concrete structure houses, the guide for the dimensions of main components of steel structure houses and the guide for the dimensions of main components of precast decoration of houses in the stage of project planning text and construction drawing design, so as to realize less specifications and more combinations.

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