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[Jianyi express] Shaoxing’s first training course for workers in the cast construction industry (BIM modeling) in 2022

Up to now, the cast building area in the city has been 44.23 million square meters, and the area proportion of cast buildings in new buildings has reached 34%.

In the process of fully launching the implementation of precast construction, the workforce of precast construction industry needs to be cultivated.

Mao Shuxin, deputy director of Shaoxing construction industry modernization promotion center, Jiang Xiaoyan, Dean of our school of architecture and design arts, and relevant teachers attended the opening ceremony.

and they are divided into two classes.


Director Mao hopes that the enterprise and all students can grasp the learning opportunities, seriously participate in the training and continuously improve the level of vocational skills.

Shaoxing 2022’s first training course for workers in the cast construction industry (BIM modeling) opened.

This training course is sponsored by Shaoxing housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and undertaken by Shaoxing vocational and technical college and Shaoxing precast construction industry workers’ education and training base.

According to Director Mao, Shaoxing is a demonstration (example) city of precast buildings.

After the opening ceremony, Ma Jianyong, director of the Architecture Institute of Innovation Institute of Huahui Engineering Design Group Co., Ltd., gave a special lecture on BIM.

There are 74 trainees from 30 companies including Zhejiang Zhongcheng Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Huanyu zhuyou Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

President Jiang Xiaoyan said that relying on the advantages of the platform, the college will continue to strengthen the cooperation between schools and enterprises and the integration of industry and education, It is committed to building an influential and exemplary “Shaoxing model” for the cultivation of talents in modern construction industry, which serves the local economy and is characterized by “diversified coordination and double line integration”.

In recent years, Shaoxing vocational and technical college has been entrusted to carry out the training of industrial workers through financial allocation, and certain results have been achieved.

The training is mainly for front-line operators in the assembly construction industry chain.

Shaoxing vocational and technical college, as the only test center of Shaoxing BIM level examination, formulates courses and carries out training around the assessment outline of “national BIM skill level examination” in order to meet the needs of students.

Up to now, entrusted by Zhejiang Green Construction Association, Shaoxing Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Keqiao District Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Zhuji Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Shaoxing construction industry modernization development alliance and other governments, industry associations and enterprises, our school has carried out more than 10 periods of training and assessment of workers in the precast construction industry, and organized large-scale exchange meetings such as the whole city’s exhibition of precast buildings and the publicity and implementation of evaluation standards of precast buildings, with a total of more than 7000 trainees, Achieved good social repercussions.

On behalf of Shaoxing construction industry modernization promotion center, Deputy Director Mao Shuxin extended warm congratulations on the smooth holding of the training course.

Coil Insert

and Changye Construction Group Co., Ltd.

It is the first training course in Shaoxing’s 2022 precast construction industry workers’ training plan.

Special competency courses are set for multiple posts, including precast component manufacturing, precast component quality inspection, precast component hoisting and grouting.

On May 20, Shaoxing 2022’s first training course for workers in the cast construction industry (BIM modeling) opened successfully in Shaoxing vocational and technical college.

Shaoxing’s 2022 training plan for workers in the construction assembly industry is divided into five phases, with a total of 250 people.

The first training course lasts for 3 days, and the training content is BIM software modeling.

Last year, the newly started precast construction area in the city was 10.0824 million square meters, The steel structure residential project covers an area of about 580000 square meters.

Jiang Xiaoyan, Dean of the school of architecture and design arts, delivered a speech on behalf of the school.

In recent years, it has issued perfect supporting policies to fully ensure the vigorous development of industrialized buildings in our city, help the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry in our city, and dredge various difficulties and pain points in the process of promoting the project, so that the precast construction in our city can be fully implemented.

This year, BIM modeling training is carried out for personnel engaged in BIM Technology Research and work in enterprises, which is the first attempt of this kind of training in recent years.

President Jiang Xiaoyan introduced the basic situation of the training course, welcomed the participants, and introduced the basic situation of Shaoxing precast construction industry workers’ education and training base, Zhejiang construction industry modernization Shaoxing Industrial College, Shaoxing construction industry modernization industrial college and other platforms.

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