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Live review | developing new precast interior decoration to help small and medium-sized decoration enterprises transform with high quality

On the afternoon of July 15, the third online open class of the first season of assembly interconnection was broadcast as scheduled.

Fourth, the boom index of domestic real estate development is at a new low.

Yu Weiwei, Secretary General of livable China housing industrialization and green development alliance and executive director of China Building Materials Industry Economic Research Association, shared a speech on the theme of “developing new precast interior decoration to help small and medium-sized decoration enterprises with high-quality transformation”.

The construction industry realizes green and low-carbon transformation.

For example, from the 2013 “green building action plan” to the 2016 “guidance on vigorously developing precast buildings”, to 2020 “several opinions on accelerating the industrialization of new buildings” and 2020 “guidance on promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization”, it will promote the comprehensive realization of green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction methods.

The reduction of the upstream real estate will inevitably affect the downstream industries of the industrial chain, and the decoration industry will bear the brunt.


Third, the funds in place of national real estate enterprises decreased year-on-year.

On the one hand, in the double carbon era, the development of high-quality (high standard) housing is the inevitable trend of high-quality transformation of real estate..

From January to may in 2022, the national investment in real estate development was 5213.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.0%; Among them, the residential investment was 3952.1 billion yuan, down 3.0%.

Among them, domestic loans were 804.5 billion yuan, down 26.0%; Deposits and advance receipts were 1914.1 billion yuan, down 39.7 percent; Personal mortgage loans were 978.5 billion yuan, down 27.0%.

In general, from the guidance of national policies, high-quality development, green, energy-saving, low-carbon, industrialization of new buildings, intelligent construction and digitalization will be the development keywords in the future.

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It is specifically reflected in the following four aspects: first, the growth rate of investment in national real estate development slowed down.

From January to may in 2022, the capital in place of real estate development enterprises was 6040.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 25.8%.

The implementation path of carbon neutralization includes five stages: building planning and design, building materials, building construction, building operation and transformation, as well as the realization path of carbon neutralization in the whole process.

At present, the real estate market has hit the bottom in the short term, and there is still great uncertainty in the recovery process of the industry; If the real estate market really stabilizes, it still needs the help of the combination of market rescue policies; In second tier and third and fourth tier cities, purchase, sale and price restrictions may be completely abolished; Or the real estate enterprises are expected to implement the necessary rescue policies and measures.

The state has issued relevant policies around the development of green buildings.

In order to achieve peak carbon emissions in the construction sector, in June 2022, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the national development and Reform Commission jointly issued the implementation plan for peak carbon emissions in the field of urban and rural construction, indicating that carbon emissions in the field of urban and rural construction will reach a peak by 2030.

In 2022, the real estate industry will enter the era of black iron from the golden age under the influence of non speculation in housing and housing and the tightening of financial policies.

According to the calculation of Guanghua ideological research team,” carbon neutrality “will drive China’s 255 trillion investment, or will become the biggest driving force for the transformation of China’s economic momentum.

This is also an important development direction of the construction field in the future.

And these keywords also point out that China’s construction industry will develop in the direction of green, low-carbon and new building industrialization in the future.

The central economic work conference in 2021 said: “we should build a long-term mechanism for the healthy development of the real estate market, adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, implement policies and classified guidance according to the city, consolidate the main responsibility of the urban government, and improve the housing market system and housing security system.” Thirdly, new urban residents have housing needs, but do not necessarily buy a house.

In May 2022, the prosperity index of real estate development was 95.60, reaching a new low in the past two years.

According to the data of China census yearbook 2020, the per capita living area of Chinese households has reached 41.76 square meters, and the average living area of each household has reached 111.18 square meters.

Strive to achieve green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction mode by 2060.

02 the trend of real estate and its impact on the decoration industry the real estate industry has entered the era of black iron from the golden age.

These include the “14th five year plan” for the development of the construction industry, the “14th five year plan” for the development of building energy conservation and green buildings, several opinions on accelerating the development of new building industrialization, and the guiding opinions on promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, which indicate that the construction industry should develop towards the industrialization of new buildings in the future.

The sales volume of commercial housing was 4833.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 31.5%; Among them, residential sales decreased by 34.5%.

Secondly, the national policy has laid the keynote of housing without speculation.

Second, the sales area and sales volume of commercial housing nationwide decreased year-on-year.

01 the central economic work conference on the dual carbon era and new building industrialization said, “China’s carbon dioxide emissions will strive to reach a peak by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

At present, China’s annual carbon dioxide emissions are 12 billion tons, of which 3.7 billion tons are generated by the real estate construction industry, accounting for one third.

From January to may 2022, the sales area of commercial housing was 507.38 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 23.6%; Among them, the residential sales area decreased by 28.1%.

At the same time, the “14th five year plan” development plan also puts forward clear requirements for the construction industry.

03 market opportunities and Implementation Paths what kind of market opportunities will there be for future installation enterprises under the control of national macro policies? What are the implementation paths? The first is to pay attention to the high-quality housing market.

With the increase of urban population, even if new residents have housing needs, the house has no investment attribute, so it is not necessary to buy commercial housing.

For example, the storm of Evergrande, a well-known real estate enterprise, directly dragged down many decoration companies, such as Guangtian group, Yasha, Golden Mantis and other leading decoration enterprises.

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