China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Measures introduced! Construction of precast buildings

● the construction, design, construction units and component manufacturers shall not change the reviewed and qualified precast building design documents without authorization, and shall not reduce the assembly rate and prefabrication rate without the approval of the original approval department.

The measures are applicable to the construction and management of precast construction projects in the planning area of the city.

shall be specified for the transportation of parts and components, especially the parts with ultra-high, ultra wide and special shape.

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The comprehensive supervision department of tendering and bidding can conduct tendering and bidding according to the technical complex engineering projects.

Source: reporter Zhang Zhiyuan editor: he Yiwei review: an Jiaojiao final review: Cheng Liang production: Jingzhou daily news DreamWorks..

The measures are applicable to construction projects.

The reporter made a detailed interpretation of the measures.

To regulate the construction cost of the project, if the government invested public buildings and independent affordable housing adopt precast buildings, the municipal financial department shall include the increased cost of the precast construction in the project construction cost according to the relevant pricing standards, and the municipal audit department shall implement audit supervision according to law.

Production requirements for parts and components ● manufacturers of cast building parts and components must produce according to relevant national, provincial and municipal technical standards, Atlas and reviewed and qualified construction drawing design documents, ensure the quality and safety in the production process of parts and components, and provide quality certificates; ● the production of parts and components shall be subject to information management, identifying the manufacturer’s name, production date, variety, specification, number and other information; ● the transportation time and sequence, loading and unloading mode, etc.

According to the requirements of the measures of relevant audit departments, the municipal development and reform, housing and construction, urban management, finance, natural resources and planning, public resources trading, market supervision and other departments shall audit and check the construction projects that meet the implementation scope of precast buildings according to their respective responsibilities.

Information required for handling the construction permit when handling the construction permit, the housing and urban rural development department shall specify the project construction unit, component production unit, structure type, cast building area, assembly rate and other basic information.

Shuttering Magnet

Bidding projects are divided into precast construction projects, the general contracting mode of integrated engineering of design, construction and procurement is implemented, and the architect responsibility system is implemented.

On September 9, our city issued the Interim Measures for the construction and management of precast buildings in Jingzhou City (hereinafter referred to as the measures).

The project initiation and planning, bidding and design, construction and pre-sale, production and testing, construction supervision and completion acceptance of precast buildings are clearly stipulated.

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