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Ministry of housing and urban rural development: vigorously develop precast buildings and further promote the coordinated development of

Fourth, steadily implement the action of urban renewal.

Make overall plans for flood control and drainage, and promote the construction of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities.

The Minister of housing and urban rural development Wang Menghui, vice minister Ni Hong, vice minister Zhang Xiaohong and director of the general office Li Xiaolong were invited to introduce and promote the high-quality development of housing and urban-rural construction, and answer reporters’ questions.

Third, solidly promote the construction of affordable housing.

55600 old urban communities have been newly renovated, benefiting 9.65 million households.

The project construction standard system was improved, and 80 various standards were issued throughout the year.

Implement the urban physical examination evaluation mechanism and carry out urban physical examination in 59 sample cities.

Seventh, prevent and control potential risks in the field of urban and rural construction.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the overall stability of the real estate market, “houses are for living, not for speculation” has become a social consensus.

Encourage the reduction or exemption of state-owned housing rents of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, simplify the application of enterprises in difficulty, reduce the payment proportion of housing provident fund and deferred payment procedures, and help enterprises solve practical difficulties.

We have steadily implemented the long-term mechanism for real estate, further implemented the main responsibilities of cities, and strengthened the supervision and guidance responsibilities of provincial governments.

Eighth, deepen and expand reform in key areas.

We accelerated the development of affordable rental housing, raised 942000 new units in 40 cities across the country, and focused on solving the housing difficulties of new citizens and young people.

Promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and new building industrialization, actively develop precast buildings and vigorously promote green buildings.

Sort out the whole chain safety production responsibility of engineering construction projects, and establish a closed-loop management mechanism for safety production.

We will deepen the reform of “release, management and service” in the construction industry, cancel the qualification examination and approval of engineering cost consulting enterprises, and pilot delegate the qualification examination and approval authority of construction engineering enterprises in 15 provinces..

We will standardize the development of the housing rental market, rectify the order of the real estate market, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

We continued to transform dilapidated buildings and earthquake resistant buildings for low-income groups in rural areas, and started to transform 492000 households throughout the year.

77000 hidden dangers of production safety in urban and rural construction were investigated and rectified, 386000 hidden dangers of urban gas safety were rectified, and the national investigation of hidden dangers of rural housing safety and the phased rectification of rural self built houses used for business were basically completed.

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A number of new urban infrastructure construction projects have achieved results.

First, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and housing and urban and rural construction.

With the primary goal of “ensuring the delivery of buildings, people’s livelihood and stability” and the principle of rule of law and marketization, we will resolutely and effectively deal with the risk of overdue delivery of real estate projects of individual real estate enterprises.

Coordinate the surrounding provinces and cities to rush to Henan Province to deal with the “7.20” torrential rain disaster.

Guide flexible employees to participate in the housing provident fund system and complete five high-frequency services such as the withdrawal of house purchase in other places (the registration and opening of accounts by housing provident fund units, the change of payment information of housing provident fund units and individuals, the withdrawal of housing provident fund for house purchase, the issuance of full repayment certificate of housing provident fund personal housing loan, and the repayment of housing provident fund loan in advance).

We will formulate “key construction principles” for rural construction, accelerate the modernization of rural housing and village construction, promote the improvement of rural living environment, and realize the collection, transportation and disposal of domestic waste in more than 90% of natural villages in China.

Formulate the “key construction principles” for the construction of the county and strengthen the green and low-carbon construction of the county.

Organize construction enterprises to go all out to build epidemic prevention and control facilities, strengthen normalized epidemic prevention and control in parks, communities and construction sites, and build a strong epidemic prevention and control barrier.

Promote the construction of national, provincial and municipal urban operation management service platforms.

The district coverage rate of garbage classification in prefecture level and above cities reached 74%.

More than 11 million employees in municipal public utilities, sanitation, property and other industries across the country love their jobs, dedication and selfless dedication, effectively ensuring the operation of cities and the production and life of the people.

Urge all localities to draw profound lessons from the large-scale relocation and felling of trees in Guangzhou and resolutely put an end to destructive “construction” behavior.

Carry out special supervision on the quality of ready mixed concrete and the use of sea sand and the quality inspection of Winter Olympic venues, and explore the establishment of a construction project quality evaluation system.

▲ for more information, the Information Office of the State Council of “xiaozhaidi Construction Technology Co., Ltd.” held a press conference at 10 a.m.

*** Strive to promote the high-quality development of housing and urban and rural construction, and achieve a good start in the 14th five year plan.

Carry out rural construction evaluation in 81 sample counties in 28 provinces to find and promote the solution of the short board problem of rural construction.

Sixth, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

The transcript of the press conference is as follows (excerpt): Wang Menghui, Minister of housing and urban rural development: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press! First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, I sincerely thank you for your long-term concern and support for housing and urban rural construction.

Establish a protection and evaluation system for national famous historical and cultural cities, and speed up the delimitation of historical and cultural blocks and the determination of historical buildings.

Standardized development of public rental housing, urban registered residence, low-income families basically realize the protection should be guaranteed.

We will deepen the reform of the examination and approval system for engineering construction projects, basically establish a unified national examination and approval and management system for engineering construction projects, and specifically address the problems of “extracorporeal circulation” and “implicit examination and approval”.

Formulate the “key principles of urban construction”, strengthen the bottom line control of urban construction, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction in urban renewal.

Second, keep the real estate market running smoothly.

1.65 million units of shantytowns of various types have been renovated.

Fifth, further promote the construction of beautiful and livable villages.

on Thursday, February 24, 2022.

Guide the emergency disposal and investigation of Shiyan gas explosion and other accidents.

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