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NA Column | Fan Zesen et al. | Materiality Characteristics and System Integration Design Method of Fabricated Buildings

46 house in the Jiangzhai site in Lintong, Shaanxi Province as an example: the base is composed of rammed earth, which is the guarantee for the safety of the superstructure; The exterior wall and roof are made of straw and soil, providing basic enclosure protection; The fire pool is not only a means of fire protection, but also a kitchen facility to provide food processing purposes, and to provide indoor heat protection to meet the needs of cold resistance.

In practical work, precast buildings are simply equivalent to precast structures.

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By analyzing the dualistic and unified characteristics of building materiality and immateriality, the materiality essence of precast buildings is defined, and it is proposed that precast buildings should be divided into four systems: structure, enclosure, electromechanical and interior decoration.

Finally, it summarizes that the process reengineering should be carried out for precast buildings, and the building system integration design method of integration of architecture, structure, electromechanical, interior decoration and integration of design, manufacturing and assembly should be established.

Architects often study precast buildings from different starting points and angles: some focus on construction and construction; Some concern space; Others value materials; Most of them are mainly concerned with their forms and manifestations.

In the further search of “assembly type”, only one research article related to the training of architectural talents in the field of assembly type, and this paper only raised the existing problems, but did not find a way to solve them.

1 Fabricated buildings are the key measures to promote the transformation and upgrading of China’s engineering construction mode, promote the structural reform of the housing supply side, and are an important starting point to realize the industrialization, digitalization, and green high-quality development of the construction industry.

Xiulong pointed out that the development direction of precast building technology should adhere to the integration of the whole industry chain and the whole life cycle, in which architects must play a leading role.

However, due to the rapid development and short preparation time, the current technology, standards, related skills education and talent training are far from meeting the development needs.

Fan Zesen/Shenzhen International Graduate School of Tsinghua University; Zhang Yue of CSCEC Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd./”Absence” of architects in the development of precast buildings of CSCEC Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.

First of all, the industry has misunderstandings about precast buildings.

Liang Sicheng said: “In the simplest terms, architecture is a house built by human beings.

As Dong Ling and others pointed out, in a certain period after the early modern architecture, there was a contradiction between the precast assembly method and the diversified expression of architecture, which affected the creation of architects and their own development.

There are three main reasons.

These research results show that the essence of architecture is a physical existence, which is an artificial building composed of a number of material materials and has the functions of enclosure, protection and security.

46 House in Lintong Jiangzhai Site With the progress of the times, the charm of the building comes more from its spiritual and cultural connotation..

Architectures are usually one-sided understood as metaphysical complexity science, mainly studying form, space, function and other issues; The precast construction method is considered to be only a problem in the field of building technology, which can be replaced by the structural engineers who deepen the design.

Hu Zhifu and others pointed out that the shortage of professionals is the bottleneck problem in the development of precast buildings.


In view of the above problems, this paper, from the perspective of architects, analyzes precast buildings from a scientific perspective, and discusses their essential characteristics, system architecture and design methods.

▲ Archaeological restoration plan and structural sketch of No.

Structural engineers’ research on precast buildings has a very clear goal – they only focus on the technology of manufacturing structural members in the factory and transporting them to the construction site for assembly on the premise of ensuring structural safety, mainly focusing on structural system, component design and connection nodes.

Secondly, precast buildings are not recognized from the perspective of system science.

Shan Lanliang believes that the practitioners of design enterprises have problems such as backward design concept, incomplete technology and lack of key technical support.

The integration and integration of enclosure, mechanical and electrical equipment and interior decoration are ignored, and the architect’s omission is determined from the division of disciplines.

During the 13th Five Year Plan period, precast buildings developed rapidly.

In order to solve the problem of” living “in their lives.” German philosopher and architect Sempel put forward four elements for creating architectural form, pointing out that “architecture consists of four elements: base, exterior wall, roof and furnace”.

The Neolithic architectural prototype in China also includes four elements: base, exterior wall, roof and fire pool.

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Search CNKI with the theme of “cultivation of architectural professionals” and get about 231 research articles.

It is often the structural engineers who do a good job of splitting and drawing detailed drawings, and the architects and other professional engineers cooperate.

Aiming at the problem of “vacancy” of architects in the research and practice of precast buildings, this paper proposes to establish a systematic scientific view and an integrated design method, so as to correctly understand, treat and develop precast buildings.

Therefore, at the technical level of component combination and node construction, there is a lack of cross-border integration experience of architects and structural engineers, and there is no composite professional skills, which leads to the failure of the actual work.

On the one hand, these studies affirmed the importance of architects in the development of precast buildings; On the other hand, it also reflects the absence of architects in the practice of precast building projects.

The material characteristics of precast buildings are about “what is architecture?” Mr.

Others believe that precast buildings are different from other buildings, and they are opposite to each other: other buildings are creative, artistic and rich in space; Fabricated buildings can only be rigid, clear and space limited.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, “in 2020, the newly constructed precast buildings in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps will total 630 million m2, an increase of 50% over 2019, accounting for about 20.5% of the newly constructed building area”.

Third, there is a lack of technical means for rational design of precast buildings.

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