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Newly started assembled 10.5 million m ², 2022 Key Points of Suzhou Construction Industry Modernization Work Printed and Issued

Do a good job in promoting the implementation, supervision, assessment and evaluation of demonstration bases and projects at all levels.

The housing construction departments at different places shall not lower than 40% of the total floor area of the same plot of land for buildings that meet the requirements of the first precast assembly rate; The housing construction department shall require the design unit to provide the calculation sheet of the precast assembly rate of the project during the construction drawing review; The construction unit shall make a public statement on the municipal precast building platform.

The structures and supporting ancillary facilities (such as garbage room, power distribution room, reception room, etc.) separately constructed in the above projects may not be subject to the provisions of precast buildings.

The construction enterprise shall carry out the mobilization acceptance and on-site stacking of precast components in strict accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications.

We will promptly prepare and steadily promote two guidelines, namely, Technical Guidelines for Standardized Design of Composite Concrete Floors in Suzhou, Technical Guidelines for Standardized Design of Precast Stair Slabs in Suzhou, and two standard atlases, namely, Standardized Design Atlas of Composite Concrete Floors in Suzhou and Standardized Design Atlas of Precast Stair Slabs in Suzhou; Our city’s precast building design unit shall quote the above technical guidelines and standard atlas in the construction drawing design documents.

Annex: Key Points of 2022 Construction Industry Modernization Work in Suzhou City On September 13, 2022, the Office of the Joint Conference on Promoting the Modernization of the Construction Industry in Suzhou City, the full text of the key points of 2022 Construction Industry Modernization Work in Suzhou City is as follows: To implement the Key Points of 2022 Work for the Modernization of the Construction Industry in the Province and its goals and tasks, and firmly promote the work deployment of the municipal party committee and government on promoting precast buildings, All departments throughout the city should further improve their ideological understanding, strengthen the promotion measures, improve the working mechanism, fully implement the requirements and objectives of the precast building standards, improve the standardization and quality of precast buildings, and promote the modernization and upgrading of the construction industry in our city and the sustainable development of the precast building industry.

Before the land transfer, the resource planning department shall consult the housing construction department at the same level for the requirements of precast buildings.

Support projects with high precast assembly rate, adopting precast decoration technology and BIM technology in our city, and apply for provincial construction industry modernization demonstration projects; Encourage qualified construction industry modernization industrial parks and production bases in our city to apply for provincial construction industry modernization demonstration parks.

The construction enterprise shall prepare a special quality and safety plan for precast building construction, which shall be demonstrated by experts organized by the construction unit, reviewed and approved by the supervisor as required, and then submitted to the local engineering quality and safety supervision organization for future reference.

Please carefully implement them based on the actual situation.

Support the Suzhou Precast Building Association to formulate and implement the Suzhou Precast Building Precast Concrete Component Production Enterprise Quality Assurance Capability Evaluation Standard (group standard), establish a precast component quality assurance system, and further improve the quality of precast components.

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All localities shall earnestly implement the requirements of the Comprehensive Assessment Standard for Precast Buildings in Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as the Standard), and the precast assembly rate of precast buildings shall be no less than 45% for public buildings and 50% for residential buildings.

1 Each county-level city (district) Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau (committee), Suzhou Industrial Park Planning and Construction Committee, and all relevant units: Now, the Work Points of Suzhou 2022 Construction Industry Modernization are printed and distributed to you.

For specific targets and tasks of each region, please refer to the 2022 Task Schedule for Precast Buildings, Precast Decoration and Talent Training in the City (Appendix).

If the real estate project meets the requirements of precast assembly rate in the first article of this article, the increased cost due to precast buildings and precast decoration can be included in the price cost accounting of the real estate project and reflected in the price filing; The purchase contract amount of precast components is included in the total investment of the project construction.

1、 Adhere to standard requirements and compact objectives and tasks.

Encourage the use of positive design and system integration design in the design of precast building projects, promote the architect responsibility system, and give full play to the leading role of design; Accelerate the application of BIM technology and improve the level of digitalization, informatization and integration of precast buildings; In principle, precast construction projects should adopt the general contracting mode.

5、 Strengthen support and encourage the implementation of policies.

Notice on Printing and Distributing the Work Points of Suzhou 2022 Construction Industry Modernization Joint Office [2022] No.

3、 Accelerate the formulation and implementation of standard guidelines for precast buildings.

During the construction of the project, the construction unit shall coordinate the design, component production, construction, supervision enterprises and other parties involved in the construction; The Employer shall entrust a supervision enterprise to carry out on-site supervision on the component manufacturer.

All localities should take active measures and promote mechanisms to strengthen efforts to promote the implementation of precast building projects, ensure that by the end of 2022, newly started precast buildings account for 37% of the newly started building area in the same period, encourage the use of fully decorated residential buildings to pilot precast decoration, and gradually promote precast decoration for new projects such as talent apartments, public rental housing and affordable rental housing.

If the investment in the real estate development project reaches 25%, the construction progress reaches plus or minus zero, and other relevant conditions are met, the development unit can apply to the local housing construction department for pre-sale of commercial housing.

2、 Classify and guide various projects to implement precast buildings.

The public building projects invested by the government (including state-owned investment) shall be constructed with precast construction technology, and the single building area of more than 5000 square meters shall be constructed with precast construction.

The construction enterprise shall carry out construction in strict accordance with the relevant national, provincial and municipal standards and specifications, as well as the approved precast building design documents and special construction plans, and shall not modify the design documents without authorization..

When the precast components enter the construction site, the component quality certificates shall be checked.

6、 Strengthen demonstration and guidance.

4、 Encourage positive design and accelerate the digitalization of precast buildings.

7、 Strengthen the quality management of precast buildings.

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