China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

[precast construction technology] analysis and sharing of key and difficult points of precast engineering construction!

According to the installation sequence and site conditions of components, prepare the storage scheme of components.

Key analysis of storage of precast components: installation sequence, storage position and sequence of components.


How to ensure the timeliness of component production and transportation is the focus of the project.

The reinforcement of the transfer layer can be poured separately from the wall column concrete and the beam slab concrete.


Solutions: 1.

Use the shaped reinforcement positioning die.

Select the appropriate stacking method and storage support according to the stress form of components.

Lifting Foot Anchor

In case of special circumstances, such as the advance or lag of the construction progress of a single flow section, communicate with the supplier in time to ensure that the production of PC components can meet the actual construction needs on site.


Key analysis of slurry leakage prevention: in the cast-in-situ section between PC components, it is easy to produce slurry leakage, wrong platform and other quality problems.

Paste slurry leakage prevention sponge strip on PC.


Safety measures during hoisting PC component hoisting is one of the difficulties.

Solutions: 1.

In the construction preparation stage, we should work together with the component factory to formulate a clear production plan; 2.

Strengthen the protection of grouting holes during construction to prevent grouting holes from blocking.

Key analysis of PC component hoisting safety: PC component has large weight and volume, which has great requirements for installation equipment.

Appropriately reduce the spacing between pull screws.


Set the sub warehouse joint according to the design requirements.

Determine the hoisting construction scheme of precast components before construction, including positioning measures, support measures, etc.

Coordinate with the design and production units to determine the scheme of large vertical transportation equipment; 3.

Solutions: 1.

Formulate large-scale equipment plan according to component type; 2.

Comprehensive consideration shall be given to the selection of tower crane and spreader in the preparation process.

Selection of spreaders 5.



Source: summary, sorting and network collection of production and transportation of PC components: key analysis: the construction of precast engineering must be carried out in strict accordance with the plan.

Key analysis of construction process: different components have different construction processes, and whether the overlapping between relevant components is reasonable directly determines the component installation quality and efficiency.


3 Construction control of rubber strip and waterproof mortar 4.

Accurate measurement and setting out.


Key analysis of grouting process: grouting quality control solutions: 1.

Solutions: 1.

Ensure the smoothness of the on-site construction road and avoid the damage of transportation vehicles to the construction road.

According to the shape and weight of components, the component stacking yard is designed.

Prepare the supply plan of precast components before construction; 3.

Solutions: 1.



The installation sequence and supply time of components have a great impact on the project.

After the wall slab concrete pouring is completed, the positioning reinforcement shall be checked and the beam slab concrete shall be poured.

The stress form of the component itself determines the stacking mode of the component, which shall not be stacked at will.

Key analysis of the positioning reinforcement of the transfer layer: the embedded positioning reinforcement of the transfer layer is prone to deviation.

Ensure one-to-one correspondence between grouting holes and grouting holes 5.

Slurry leakage prevention tongue and groove can be reserved for PC components.

Add grouting holes and other sources: personal summary and sorting..

Relevant personnel of the project shall supervise the production of components.

Solution: determine the construction scheme according to the process relationship between different components and components.

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