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Precast quadrangle – precast module design of Baitasi compound, Beijing / Du state architecture

Halfen Channel

The external wall adopts ultra-high strength concrete slab (UHPC slab) cast in one time in the factory, and the thermal insulation material and structural keel are pre assembled.

The inside toilet adopts independent integral toilet products.

▼ preassembled storage space #1 ▼ close the cabinet door at ordinary times to save space ▼ open the cabinet door when in use to change the shape ▼ various precast modules above the details have different designs to meet different functions, but they all have the same feature: assembled structure.

▼ the appearance of the pre assembled toilet and the houses built without permission improved the living conditions of the residents, but violated the regulations of the government on the management of Hutong quadrangles.

More importantly, the precast module gets rid of the structure and shape of traditional houses, and has the characteristics of product, non permanent and movable.

After decades of spontaneous growth, the structure built by residents grew together with quadrangles, forming a “courtyard”, resulting in the decline of Hutong blocks and the deterioration of the style of the old city.

The cast structure is based on the wikihouse system, simplified and modified according to the conditions and functional requirements of the alley, and realizes factory production components, flat packaging, transportation and on-site assembly by non professionals.

They can be controlled and monitored through the Internet.

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The precast module of Baitasi compound is a design attempt to solve the problem of private construction.

The final design result is a series of precast functional modules, which are placed in the yard after the demolition of the original illegal buildings to realize various functions such as toilet, storage and so on.

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▼ preassembled storage space #2 ▼ cabinet door open state ▼ cabinet door details project information design: Degree Architecture, completion time of ordering: 2017 project location: Beijing, Baitasi area design team: doning, Zhang Longxiao, Bai Yuming, Zhou Zheng Photography: sun Haiting 4.2 million fans love a website with an annual traffic of more than 150 million easily ▼ www.good Cn also welcomes your attention to our WeChat official account, which has 210 thousand fans of gooood Valley design network, including building materials, competition, promotion, recruitment, contribution, project docking and so on.

Since the 1950s, in order to improve living conditions, residents of quadrangles have begun to build additional houses in the courtyard, that is, the so-called “private construction”.

When the toilet is not used, the round LCD glass window is powered off and displayed as transparent; When someone uses it, the glass window is electrified and translucent, blocking the line of sight and ensuring privacy.

▼ when the toilet is not used, the round LCD glass window is powered off and displayed as transparent ▼ when someone is used, the glass window is powered on and translucent, blocking the line of sight, ensuring privacy.

These assembled modules can be quickly built in hutongs without the intervention of professional workers and large equipment.

The construction system of wikihouse can adapt to various sites, so the storage module can adapt to the space conditions of different miscellaneous yards and change flexibly according to the site and functional requirements.

It is also the most characteristic residential form in the old city of Beijing.

The design of the intelligent toilet module highlights the sense of integrity, and the shape is learned from industrial products, using the design language of unibody.

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Architects must coordinate the conflict between these two aspects: meet the people’s requirements for the improvement of the quality of life, and abide by the rules and regulations of the regulatory authorities for the renewal of the old city.

You can also monitor the temperature through the network at any time through the mobile terminal, adjust the working time of the heating and control the room temperature.

From # Degree Architecture # sharing of good degree architecture recently completed the precast module of miscellaneous yard designed for the Baitasi Hutong area in Beijing.

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▼ from the yard, the integrated bathroom and shower in the bathroom is an intelligent hardware module with various sensors, which connect and control the facilities inside and outside the bathroom.

Siheyuan is a traditional courtyard building in China.

While meeting the living needs of residents, it also meets the policy requirements of government departments for the reconstruction of Hutong quadrangles, and puts forward new possibilities and directions for the attempt of multi-party urban renewal.

▼ the indoor details of the toilet are arranged with storage modules in two miscellaneous yards on site.

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In the narrow space of the alley, the compact overall size makes the module components easy to transport, and the assembly process also greatly reduces the construction time and work intensity.

The temperature control sensor can sense the indoor temperature, and then automatically turn on the heating equipment.

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The infrared sensor can sense whether someone is using the room and control the transparency of the circular LCD window on the door.

The length and width of the intelligent toilet module are 1.5m.

The storage module also adopts the assembly design, which turns the original illegal house into a large-scale assembly furniture that can be moved on site.

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