China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

[Professionalization] Lean planning, value creation, and building a professional team for assembly type construction management

At the same time, based on the influence of the general environment of the construction market and the demand for industrialization, the current industrial chemical workers such as component hoisting and grouting are mostly traditional engineering labor workers, and the operation level of workers is uneven.

As the front-line management personnel of the project, we have to “roll up our sleeves and work hard”, blow the trumpet on the way forward, maintain the spirit of “pioneering”, the momentum of “innovation”, and the style of “doing”, actively promote the construction of professional teams, implement the team’s “lean planning, lean design, and lean construction”, and make vigorous contributions to the construction of “high-quality trillion three bureau”.

As the largest real estate project invested by the Engineering Bureau in Beijing and a high standard residential building in Beijing, Xuefu Mansion Project has conscientiously implemented the work related to professional team building since its entry into the site, focused on cultivating a professional team for assembly type construction management, and contributed to improving the core competitiveness of the assembly type product line of the Engineering Bureau.

Materials provided by: directly affiliated branches Author: Song Zhiqun, Wang Zhuang Editor: Zhang Qi Reviewed by: Party Construction Department..

In recent years, China’s infrastructure construction and transformation has started a new industrial upgrading.

Scientific and technological innovation, the core technology of building a professional team of assembly type construction management The key to building a professional team of assembly type construction management is to cultivate professional and technical personnel and technological innovation, effectively reduce construction costs, and form the scientific and technological competitiveness of the professional team of assembly type construction management.

As the management core, the professional team of the general contractor can effectively ensure the construction period and quality of the assembly type project only by doing a good job in the industrialization management of the front and rear ends.

Skills training, strengthening the theoretical basis of the professional team of precast construction management, and building a professional thinking system and model are the important cornerstone of the construction of a professional team.

The project deeply applies the BIM+smart site lightweight platform in deepening design, component management, assembly decoration, digital delivery and other aspects, supports assembly construction with smart construction, and strives to build a professional team of assembly construction management with high information level and strong scientific and technological innovation ability.

Building a professional team for precast construction management is a key link for the engineering bureau and the company to build a precast product line and establish a high-tech residential brand.

At present, each component factory in the market is relatively independent, and the deepening design and component processing standards are not unified, leading to differences in components of different component factories in a project.

In view of the current implementation of precast construction, we summarized and reviewed the plans and nodes that were not carefully considered in the planning stage and the implementation effect was not obvious, forming three structural technology summaries, which provided an important reference for the Engineering Bureau’s Implementation Guide for Industrialized Construction of Fabricated Residential Buildings.

The project sets up a “university lecture hall”, organizes management personnel to learn the construction technology, procedures and node practices of precast buildings, and constantly improves the professional level of precast building management; Reviewing the whole construction process of completed precast projects, and analyzing the problems involved in bidding and procurement, materials, in-depth design, and on-site management; Organize the main management personnel to enter the component factory, assembly site and assembly decoration sample room, and deeply study the prevention measures for quality defects during the construction of assembly type buildings.

The innovation studio combed the idea of assembly industrialization, explored the “zero secondary construction” and “zero leakage” nodes of the structure, namely, “comprehensive prefabrication and one-time molding”, improved the quality of the structure and reduced the safety risk of the structure construction, formed the process model that the structure is handed over to the decoration construction upon completion, and effectively reduced the construction cost by combining the whole profession of electromechanical, curtain wall, fine decoration, weak current intelligence, etc.

Straight Anchor

Unify the standard, integrate the professional team of assembly type construction management, manage the chain, and the assembly type project has the characteristics of the front end component factory and the rear end construction site moving forward at both ends.

in the assembly deepening design stage.

The construction of assembly type product lines and the creation of professional teams for assembly type management are the key links for enterprises to promote the construction industrialization.

Through all kinds of professional learning and training, all project personnel can understand the bidding and procurement of precast buildings, deepen the design, construction procedures, processes and quality safety management, and constantly consolidate the theoretical basis.

The project set up “Song Zhiqun Innovation Studio” to give full play to the vanguard and model leading role, lead the young staff of the project to actively carry out scientific and technological seminars, technological innovation and technological exchange activities, and strive to build a progressiveness and innovative young technological innovation team.

We will conduct targeted inspection and assessment on the labor teams involved in the construction of precast projects, and select qualified and stable labor teams as high-quality labor resources to help the development of enterprise construction industrialization.

Process summary, improve the knowledge system of the professional team of assembly type construction management, follow the “PDCA” cycle management principle, and the project team will continue to analyze, summarize and find problems according to the planning implementation, adhere to the idea of lean construction and value creation, further improve the management methods and ideas, reduce unnecessary waste, and maximize the comprehensive benefits of the project.

According to the construction and production experience summarized by the project, the professional team of configuration construction management in the next stage will focus on unifying the component factory standards and forming local standards.

According to the “Fourteenth Five Year” Construction Industry Development Plan issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development in 2022, it is clear that we should vigorously develop precast buildings, build a standardized design and production system for precast buildings, promote intelligent upgrading of production and construction, and improve the comprehensive benefits of precast buildings.

In the next stage, the project will continue to focus on planning and summary, summarize successful practices, summarize the list of problems, and form a knowledge system to help the standardization of the company’s assembly product line.

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