China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Promote precast buildings! The office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council printed and distributed the opinions on promoting

(8) Guide the transformation and development of population loss counties.

Promote the county towns located in the main agricultural production areas to gather and develop rural secondary and tertiary industries, extend the agricultural industrial chain, optimize and strengthen the agricultural product processing industry and agricultural producer services, absorb more agricultural transfer population in the county, and provide support for effectively serving “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” and ensuring food security.

(3) Development goals.

1、 General requirements (I) guiding ideology.

After another period of efforts, we will basically build a modern county with its own characteristics, vitality, livability and industry throughout the country, significantly narrow the development gap with adjacent large and medium-sized cities, and further highlight the role of promoting the improvement of urban system and supporting the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

2、 Scientifically grasp the functional orientation and guide the development direction of counties by classification (IV) accelerate the development of counties around big cities.

Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and guide and support all kinds of market subjects to participate in the construction of the county; Give better play to the role of the government and earnestly fulfill its responsibilities in formulating planning policies, providing public services and creating an institutional environment.

In line with the changing trend of population flow in the county, based on the carrying capacity of resources and environment, location conditions, industrial foundation and functional positioning, select a number of counties with good conditions as the key development of demonstration areas to prevent population loss and blind construction of counties.

(7) Orderly development of key ecological functional areas and counties.

By 2025, significant progress will be made in the construction of urbanization with the county as an important carrier, the weaknesses of the county will be further supplemented, a number of counties with good location advantages and industrial foundation, strong resource and environmental carrying capacity and good economic conditions for gathering population will have achieved remarkable results, the allocation of public resources will basically match the size of the permanent population, the characteristic advantageous industries will grow, and the municipal facilities will be basically complete, Public services have been comprehensively improved, the living environment has been effectively improved, the comprehensive carrying capacity has been significantly enhanced, the scale of farmers’ employment and settlement in the county has been expanding, and the quality of life of county residents has been significantly improved.

We will coordinate development and security, strictly implement cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, the red line of ecological protection and the boundary of urban development, guard the root of history and culture, prevent large-scale demolition and construction, greed for foreign countries, strictly control the withdrawal of counties, the establishment of cities and districts, prevent and control the risk of disasters and accidents, and prevent the risk of local government debt.

Focusing on “grain first, food tail” and “agriculture first, labor tail”, cultivate agricultural product processing industry clusters, and develop agricultural producer services such as agricultural material supply, technology integration, warehousing and logistics, and agricultural product marketing.

(6) Reasonably develop the county seat, the main producing area of agricultural products.

3、 Cultivate and develop characteristic and advantageous industries and steadily expand employment in the county (IX) enhance the industrial support capacity of the county.

(2) Job requirements.

(5) Actively cultivate professional functional counties.

It is of great significance to promote the construction of new urbanization and build a new relationship between industry and agriculture and urban and rural areas.

Support the counties with advantages in resources and transportation to give full play to their professional expertise, cultivate and develop characteristic economy and pillar industries, strengthen the support of industrial platform, improve employment absorption capacity, and develop into professional functional counties such as advanced manufacturing, trade circulation and cultural tourism.

Focus on developing industries with obvious comparative advantages, strong ability to drive agriculture and rural areas and large employment capacity, comprehensively cultivate local industries and undertake external industrial transfer, and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.

Round Bar Ferrule

In order to promote the urbanization construction with the county as an important carrier, the following opinions are put forward.

Promote the counties located in key ecological functional areas to gradually and orderly undertake the transfer of overloaded population in ecological areas, improve the financial transfer payment system, enhance the supply capacity of public services, develop appropriate industries and clean energy, and provide support for protecting and repairing the ecological environment and building a solid ecological security barrier.

According to the cultural tourism resource endowment, cultivate industries such as cultural experience, leisure and vacation, characteristic home stay, health care and elderly care..

The general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council printed and distributed the “opinions on promoting the construction of urbanization with the county as an important carrier”.

Combined with the changing trend of urban development, promote the loss of population, strictly control the increment of urban construction land, revitalize the stock, promote the appropriate concentration of population and public service resources, strengthen people’s livelihood guarantee and assistance, orderly guide the transfer of population to adjacent advantageous areas of economic development, support resource exhausted counties with holding conditions, and cultivate continuous alternative industries.

Take the county as the basic unit to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, give full play to the role of the county connecting cities and serving villages, enhance the radiation and driving ability to the countryside, promote the extension and coverage of infrastructure and public services in the county to the countryside, and strengthen the connection and cooperation between the county and the development of adjacent cities.

Enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the county, improve the development quality of the county, better meet the needs of farmers to find employment and settle down in the county and the production and living needs of county residents, and provide strong support for the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand and the coordinated promotion of new urbanization and Rural Revitalization.

Support the county located within the urban agglomeration and metropolitan area to integrate into the construction and development of neighboring big cities, take the initiative to undertake the population, industry and function, especially the general manufacturing industry, regional logistics base, professional market and the relief and transfer of over concentrated public service resources, strengthen rapid traffic connection, and develop into a satellite county with convenient commuting, complementary functions and supporting industries with neighboring big cities.

Highlight characteristics, dislocation development, and develop general manufacturing industry according to local conditions.

The full text is as follows: the interpretation of the county is an important part of China’s urban system and a key support for the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

Support border counties to improve infrastructure, strengthen public services, border trade and other functions, and improve the ability of population agglomeration and border defense and consolidation.

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