China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Promoting assembly │ six departments of the Tibet Autonomous Region issued the implementation opinions on promoting green development of

Support the creation of several leading precast construction industries with advantageous enterprises as the core and covering the whole industrial chain, introduce professionals to participate in the R & D, production and management of precast buildings, and promote the transformation of migrant workers in the construction industry to industrial workers.

Focus on this official account to release updates at 7:00 or 11:11; Committed to the full release of the policy guidance of the national precast construction industry.

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We will strengthen the leading role of Lhasa and Shigatse as demonstration cities, accelerate the construction of precast construction industrial bases, and promote the integration of precast walls, thermal insulation, thermal insulation and decoration.

Notice of six departments including the Department of housing and urban rural development of the Tibet Autonomous Region on printing and distributing the implementation opinions on promoting green development of urban and rural construction and building a beautiful and happy Tibet content abstract: promote the application of precast buildings.

It is encouraged to take the lead in adopting precast steel structure buildings in public buildings invested by the government such as hospitals and schools, affordable housing, post disaster recovery and reconstruction and border construction.

The end of the article is the implementation opinions on promoting green development in urban and rural construction and building a beautiful and happy Tibet.

The production of precast parts and components will be large-scale, integrated and localized.

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