China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

[recruitment information] Hualong precast building materials Co., Ltd

Tel: 18139914373 Ms.

Hualong precast building materials Co., Ltd.

After passing the probation period, they will arrange corresponding posts according to the performance of the probation period, sign labor contracts for more than 5 years and purchase accident insurance.

Recruitment conditions: (1) male employees aged 18-40; (2) High school education or above; (3) Technical personnel in Colleges and secondary schools majoring in electrical automation, mechatronics, numerical control, construction engineering, material analysis and computer application, and those with relevant working experience are preferred; (4) Good conduct, no criminal record, physical and mental health, no major medical history and infectious history; (5) Have strong communication and coordination skills and teamwork awareness, love their own work, hard-working, strong sense of responsibility, abide by the rules and regulations formulated by the company and obey the management; (6) Obey the arrangement of the enterprise and be able to work in the factory for a long time; Working environment 5.

Registration method: call to register, send e-mail to send resume or register directly at the company’s human resources department (email: ), you must bring your ID card, academic certificate, relevant skill certificate and the latest physical examination report above the county level.

is a state-owned holding company under Gansu construction investment Civil Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Board and lodging are provided free of charge for the employed personnel, and husband and wife dormitories are provided for husband and wife.

Wechat: 17793264065 address: 2 / F, comprehensive office building, Zhongpu circular economy industrial park, Lintao County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province [source: LV Ruini | editor: Bai Haiping | editor: Luo min]..

(3) The probation period of the employed personnel is 1 month.

(4) Reimbursement of medical examination expenses; Factory environment 4.

Nature of employment: contract employees; 3.

Waved Anchor

now, due to the company’s expansion of productivity, the company has publicly recruited the following positions: 1.

8 auxiliary workers for technical operation of workshop production line; 2.

Salary: (1) base salary (3800 yuan – 5500 yuan) + piece work + full attendance (230 yuan / month – 160 yuan / month) + length of service (50 yuan / month).


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