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Study on seismic calculation method of precast steel bellows underground comprehensive pipe gallery

Most foreign codes on steel corrugated pipe structures involve the field of pipe culvert engineering, such as Canadian code for design of highway bridges [4] (hereinafter referred to as chbdc), American code for design of highway bridges (AASHTO) [5], modern drainage design (AISI) [6], Korean guide for design and construction of corrugated steel plate structures (2001) [7] Japan’s common ditch design guide [8] (hereinafter referred to as Japan’s Guide)..

The numerical simulation and experimental results agree well with the acceleration time history, and the acceleration amplification coefficient and its Fourier amplitude spectrum are consistent, which verifies the rationality of the finite element model.

Themechanismofinteractionbetweentheutilitytunnelandsoilisanalyzedwithconsiderationofburialdepth,siteconditionandseismic directionbyusingareasonablenumericalmodel.

Key words: corrugated steel pipe gallery; Soil steel interaction; Seismic performance; Seismic calculation method; Abstract: in this paper, based on an empirical study of the corrugated steel utility tunnelon general round, the time history and analysis method in ABAQUS used to analyze the seismic behavior of precast corrugated steel utility tunnels Theresultsarecomparedwithshakingtabletestresults.


Fixing Socket Waved End Nail Plate

For lifeline projects such as pipe gallery, its seismic calculation and seismic design are very important.

Click the blue word to focus on us Yue Feng, Chen Shouyi, Liu Bowen, Liao Kai, Zhu bin, Jiang Xiaoli Abstract: Based on the shaking table model test of steel bellows Gallery in general site, the seismic performance of precast steel bellows gallery is analyzed by using time history analysis method based on ABAQUS, and compared with the shaking table model test results.

Using the verified reasonable numerical model, the interaction mechanism between pipe gallery and soil is analyzed by changing the parameters such as buried depth, site conditions and seismic direction; Combined with the seismic design methods of codes at home and abroad, using the results of shaking table test and numerical simulation, the seismic calculation method of steel corrugated pipe gallery considering soil steel interaction is proposed, and a calculation example is given.

Keywords:corrugatedsteelutilitytunnel; soil-steelinteraction; seismicbehavior; seismiccalculationmethod; The urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery is a kind of municipal public tunnel which is buried under the surface and integrates various municipal pipelines such as power, gas and water supply.



At present, China is ushering in the construction climax of underground comprehensive pipe gallery.

Precast steel corrugated pipe gallery structure has the advantages of green environmental protection, light weight, easy transportation, short construction period and good coordination with soil deformation.

The current technical code for urban comprehensive pipe gallery Engineering (gb50838-2015) [3] calculates the seismic design of urban comprehensive pipe gallery as class B buildings, but the code does not give a specific calculation method for seismic design, and the code is mainly aimed at reinforced concrete structures.

It is a new pipe gallery structure put into engineering application in recent years.

The construction and development of underground comprehensive pipe gallery has become an important direction for countries and cities to seek social sustainable development and has been promoted to the national development strategic position [1-2].


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