China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Summary of goals and policies for precast buildings in all provinces of China during the 14th Five Year Plan Period

Ring Clutch

The precast building area accounts for 30% of the newly-built building area, and the urban green buildings account for 100% of the newly-built civil buildings.

11、 Several opinions on accelerating the development of precast buildings in Jiangxi Province in 2025, the development level of precast buildings in Jiangxi Province will be further improved, and the new construction area of precast buildings will account for 40% of the total new construction area.

Precast buildings account for 30% of the new construction area, including Suzhou, Fuyang, Wuhu, Ma’anshan and other cities, and Hefei, Bengbu Chuzhou, Lu’an and other cities strive to achieve 50%.

The province has built a number of leading intelligent construction enterprises and basically formed a new building industrialization development base based in Anhui Province, facing the Yangtze River Delta and radiating the “the Belt and Road”.

1、 According to the implementation opinions on further developing precast buildings of Beijing Municipality, the proportion of precast buildings in the newly built building area will reach more than 40% in 2022 and 55% in 2025.

Newly started precast buildings account for 50% of the newly started construction area in the same period, finished houses account for 70% of the newly built houses, and precast decoration accounts for 30% of the finished houses.

2、 The “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of the construction industry in Guangdong Province is the development goal of the “fourteenth five year plan” period.

8、 According to the “14th five year plan” for the development of construction industry in Zhejiang Province, by 2025, precast buildings in Zhejiang Province will account for more than 35% of new buildings, and steel structure buildings will account for more than 40% of new precast buildings, and more than 35 national precast building industrial bases will be established in total.

By the end of 2025, precast buildings will account for more than 80% of new buildings.

Government investment projects, precast projects and projects applying building information models are encouraged to give priority to the use of general contracting.

The construction area of precast construction projects in the region will account for more than 30% of the new construction area.

3、 The 14th five year plan of Tianjin construction industry (2021-2025) cultivates the market demand for precast buildings and eliminates the market’s improper understanding of precast buildings; Increase investment in research and development of precast building technology, actively promote the transformation of mature technical standards, and improve the quality of precast construction and construction quality.

The commercial residential buildings in the central urban area of the city will be fully decorated and delivered.

12、 By 2025, according to the “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of new construction industry in Guangxi (Draft for public comment), a number of leading new construction industrialization enterprises with strong R & D ability, core technology, independent innovation ability and the ability to radiate ASEAN and western provinces in South China will be formed.

4、 The “14th five year plan” for housing and urban and rural construction in Hainan province implements the precast building development project.

Promote the construction of precast demonstration projects (bases) and precast construction industry bases, and build a precast building digital supervision subsystem based on the whole process supervision information platform of housing construction projects in Hainan Province.

Among them, the newly built affordable housing, education, medical treatment and office complex projects with state-owned investment in Fuzhou, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou will all adopt precast buildings, and the proportion of other cities divided into districts and Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone will not be less than 50%.

6、 According to the “fourteenth five year plan” for the construction industry in Jilin Province, by 2025, more than 5 national precast construction industrial bases and more than 15 provincial precast construction industrial bases will be built.

By the end of the “fourteenth five year plan”, the proportion of government investment projects adopting general contracting mode will exceed 50%, and all precast buildings will adopt general contracting mode.

10、 According to the “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of Chongqing’s construction industry, by 2025, precast buildings will account for 30% of the city’s new construction area, including 50% in key areas, 30% in actively promoted areas and 20% in encouraged areas.

from 2021 to 2025, the implementation rate of energy-saving standards for new urban buildings will reach more than 70%, the completed area of new urban green buildings will account for more than 60% of the completed area of new civil buildings, and the precast buildings in cities and towns will account for more than 30% of new buildings.

A number of green building demonstration projects with high assembly rate of class A and above have been built..

9、 The “fourteenth five year plan” for the development of the construction industry in Jiangsu Province actively promotes new construction and management methods such as lean construction, digital construction, green construction and precast construction.

The proportion of precast buildings in the new construction area in Jilin Province will reach more than 30%.

7、 According to the “14th five year plan” for the development of construction industry in Fujian Province, by 2025, the proportion of newly built precast buildings in cities and towns throughout the province will account for more than 35% of the newly built buildings in that year.


13、 According to the “14th five year plan” for the development of precast buildings in Anhui Province, by 2025, cities divided into districts will cultivate or introduce at least 3 design and construction integrated enterprises, and cultivate a batch of precast construction enterprises integrating design, production and construction, with a production capacity of 50million square meters.

The layout of precast building industry is stable, and the gold medal port will be built into a gathering area, exhibition area and experience area dominated by precast buildings and able to lead the scientific development of tropical buildings in the future.

14、 By 2025, the five year action plan for improving the development quality of precast buildings in Sichuan Province will form an industrial development pattern of coordinated development and multi-point support in the five regions of Chengdu Plain, Northeast Sichuan, South Sichuan, Northwest Sichuan and Panzhihua Xichang, and the supporting regional industrial chains will be basically completed; The newly started precast buildings in the province account for 40% of the newly-built buildings, and the assembly rate of precast buildings shall not be less than 50%.

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