China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The Anyang Project Department of the precast construction company carried out the calligraphy and painting exhibition activity of “learning

Contributed by: Anyang Project Department..

It is understood that the seal cutting work “Follow the Party Forever” takes eight months, is 20 meters long and 0.8 meters wide.

The main picture is composed of 20 party flags, forming a magnificent seal cutting picture, with the brilliance of the excellent traditional culture of the motherland shining between the lines.

Around the 20 party flags, the four seal seals of “Thank the Party” were repeatedly combined and displayed in the long seal volume, implying that the Chinese people of all ethnic groups will follow the Party for generations and thank the Communist Party for bringing happiness to the people.

Opening this long scroll, the project staff will first see 20 high flying party flag patterns, which symbolize that the CPC has gone through 101 years of glorious history and is leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country to strive for the goal of building a modern socialist country with Chinese characteristics with full confidence.

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The project staff further felt baptized by the spirit of the revolutionary predecessors by watching the seal cutting works on site, strengthened their ideal and belief of unswervingly following the Party, and constantly wished our great Party and motherland more prosperity.

In order to learn the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and further guide the masses of party members and cadres to listen to the Party’s words, feel the Party’s gratitude and follow the Party, the Anyang Project Department of the precast construction company recently carried out a calligraphy and painting exhibition activity of “learning the new journey of 40 years of building the certificate of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China”, and invited Yang Xiangdong, a famous seal carver in Anyang City, to explain and display his huge seal carving work “Always Follow the Party” for the project staff.

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