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The development of precast buildings is unstoppable! Summary of national and local policies in 2021

Hebei accelerated the transformation of building construction mode, promoted the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

Precast structural components: structural insulation integrated wall, structural decoration integrated plate, precast concrete components, precast steel structural components, precast internal and external wall panels, etc.

— according to the “14th five year plan” for high quality development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province, by 2025, the proportion of precast buildings in new buildings in the province will exceed 50%, and the assembly rate of decoration will reach more than 60%—— Opinions of Jiangsu Province on accelerating the modernization of construction industry and promoting the transformation and upgrading of construction industry by 2025, cities divided into districts in Anhui will cultivate or introduce no less than 5 integrated design and construction enterprises, and form a precast construction enterprise integrating design, production and construction, with a production capacity of 50 million square meters, and precast buildings account for 30% of the new construction area—— Letter of opinions on the 14th five year plan for the development of precast buildings in Anhui Province (Draft for comments) and the 14th five year plan for the development of building energy efficiency and green buildings in Anhui Province (Draft for comments).

Improve the design, production, construction, evaluation and supervision management system, realize standardized design, integrated production and mechanized construction, and steadily improve the integration level of precast concrete structure, precast steel structure and precast wood structure—— The 14th five year plan for the development of new urbanization in Zhejiang province implements the index requirements of green buildings in Chongqing’s precast buildings.

Promote new construction methods such as steel structure assembly, Cultivate precast building demonstration counties (cities) and industrial bases.

Green building technology promotes the development of precast buildings, and the two promote and integrate each other.

By 2025, precast buildings will account for 50% of the newly started building area in the same period, and precast decoration buildings will account for 30% of the newly started finished housing area in the same period.

Accelerate the implementation of a new type of building industrialization based on mechanization, with precast construction and decoration as the main form and supported by digital and information means.

Vigorously promote precast concrete buildings, and actively promote precast steel structure buildings and precast wood structure buildings.

From the perspective of local policies this year, local efforts to support the development of precast buildings have continued to increase+ By 2022, Beijing will realize that precast buildings will account for more than 40% of the new building area, and by 2025, precast buildings will account for 55% of the new buildings.

Improve the technical standard system of precast buildings and promote the diversification of precast types—— According to the 2020 work summary and 2021 work plan of Shanghai housing and urban rural development management committee, Jiangsu steadily promotes precast buildings and vigorously develops precast decoration.

Third, accelerate the integrated development of information technology.

Improve the industrial development level and ensure the implementation capacity of precast building: first, reasonably optimize the layout of precast building industry.

– Notice of the general office of Anhui Provincial People’s Government on vigorously developing precast buildings By 2025, precast buildings in Zhejiang Province will account for more than 35% of new buildings.

– Notice on printing and distributing the three-year action implementation plan for quality improvement and upgrading of county construction in Hebei Province (2021-2023).

Second, promote the development of the whole industrial chain of precast construction.

Improve the precast building technology system: first, promote standardized design.

The cumulative implementation of precast buildings in Shanghai has reached 150 million square meters, accounting for 90% of the newly started buildings.

In 2021, comprehensively promoting and developing precast buildings is still one of the key tasks, and many places across the country have issued precast building policies and key points of work.

according to “investment first and then supplement” The fund is free subsidy, which can be used for passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry project construction, product R & D and market promotion.

We will promote the industrialization of construction methods, integrate green building incentive policies, guide the implementation of standardized design, industrialized production, precast construction, integrated decoration and information management, and organize pilot implementation of a number of integrated development projects of precast and green buildings—— According to the 14th five year plan for green buildings in Chongqing (2021-2025), by 2025, precast buildings will account for 30% of new urban buildings and urban green buildings will account for 100% of new buildings in Guangdong..

By 2025, strive to make precast buildings account for 30% of the new building area.

Second, promote assembly decoration technology.

Third, actively promote the coordinated development of precast buildings in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei—— Notice on printing and distributing the 14th five year plan for green building development in Tianjin from 2021 to 2025, all state-owned construction land new projects in the city will adopt precast buildings—— The general office of Tianjin Municipal People’s government issued the implementation plan on vigorously developing precast buildings.

A certain proportion of investment subsidies shall be given according to the actual investment in the purchase of production equipment, testing instruments, software and control systems, and the amount of support for a single project shall not exceed 10 million yuan—— The guidelines for the application of funds for passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry development projects in Hebei Province in 2021 Shanghai has actively cultivated the national precast building industry base and Shanghai precast building demonstration projects.

Promote the development of precast building parts and components industry in our city, and effectively support the demand for green buildings and precast buildings.

Vigorously develop precast buildings.

By the end of the 14th five year plan, a modern construction industry system characterized by standardized design, industrialized production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management and digital application will be basically completed—— Implementation Opinions on further development of precast buildings (Exposure Draft) Precast buildings have been popularized in Tianjin, and all new residential buildings and public buildings on state-owned construction land in the city have implemented precast buildings.

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