China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development printed and distributed the list of replicable and popularized

In 2021, Beijing will have 46 plots of land of about 5.15 million square meters for minimum quality construction, and 10 plots of land of about 940000 square meters for high standard construction, which has achieved a good leading effect.

Area reward and advance sale.

For government invested projects, the budget increment caused by the implementation of precast building requirements will be included in the project construction cost at the project approval stage.


For example, Shandong has invested a total of 144 million yuan of provincial financial funds to award provincial precast building demonstration cities, demonstration projects and industrial bases; Henan will give rewards and subsidies of no more than 20 yuan/㎡ for social investment projects with an assembly rate of 50%, no more than 30 yuan/㎡ for projects with an assembly rate of no more than 60%, and no more than 3 million yuan for individual awards and subsidies.

Land security.

For example, in Tianjin, Shanghai and other places, the requirements for precast building construction are included in the land transfer contract and included in the construction management approval process for checking, so as to achieve dual control over the implementation proportion of precast buildings and the precast assembly index of individual buildings.

The notice said that all regions vigorously promoted the development of precast buildings and achieved positive results.


Clearly incorporate relevant requirements of precast buildings into relevant regulations to build legislative guarantee for the development of precast buildings.


In 2017 and 2020, Hainan issued policy documents on the development of precast buildings in the name of the provincial government and the general office of the provincial government, and listed the development of precast buildings as one of the four landmark projects in Hainan’s construction of a national ecological civilization pilot zone, effectively promoting the rapid development of precast buildings.

Promote the application of precast building technology according to local conditions..

For example, Shenzhen, Guangdong, explicitly included the assembly incremental cost of government invested projects into the project construction cost, which solved the problem of investment accounting basis for the construction unit.

The provincial people’s government formulates relevant policy documents and plans for the development of precast buildings, clarifies the development goals, key tasks and safeguard measures, establishes a leading group for precast buildings headed by the main provincial leaders, and establishes a working mechanism jointly promoted by multiple departments.

Strengthen government promotion.

A total of 150 million yuan has been won for provincial financial special awards and subsidies; In 2021, Shanxi will strive for a special financial fund of 50.52 million yuan to award and supplement eight high standard precast residential building projects implemented in the past three years; For pilot projects in Fujian, a cost subsidy of 100~300 yuan/m2 will be given according to the above ground building area; Hefei, Anhui Province, has given awards and subsidies to the precast affordable housing (including rural housing) invested by counties and districts, and has granted awards and subsidies of 206 million yuan since 2021.

The assembly rate should reach AA (BJ) or AAA (BJ) standards and the precast decoration should be fully implemented.

For example, Guangdong Zhongshan will reward 2.7%, 2.8%, 2.9% and 3.0% of the total building area of the precast building projects that meet the requirements of basic level, A level, AA level and AAA level, respectively; Chongqing, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other places can apply for pre-sale permission of commercial housing in advance for development projects that meet the requirements of the assembly rate index when the progress is positive or negative and the first piece of precast parts is installed.

For commercial housing projects invested by the society, if the precast construction method is adopted, the area reward and pre-sale policy will be given to effectively improve the enthusiasm of real estate developers.

For example, Beijing has implemented the “minimum quality requirements” and “construction plan for high standard commercial residential buildings” for centralized land supply.

Financial incentives and financial support.

The “minimum quality requirements” include meeting the two star standard for green buildings, implementing precast buildings with an assembly rate of 60%, setting up solar photovoltaic or solar thermal systems, and included in the Letter of Commitment on House Price; The “Competitive High Standard Commercial Residential Building Construction Scheme” includes the requirements for improving the implementation of precast buildings.


For example, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, Fujian, Hunan, Ningxia, Guangdong and Shenzhen clearly specify the requirements for the development of precast buildings in the local green building development regulations, in which Hebei and Fujian require that the application proportion of precast buildings be clearly specified in the special planning for green buildings; Shanxi requires the people’s government at or above the county level to support the coordinated development of the whole industrial chain of new building industrialization and promote precast buildings; Anhui requires that the office buildings of public institutions and other public buildings invested by the government should give priority to the application of new building industrialization technologies such as precast construction; Hunan requires that public buildings with a building area of more than 3000 square meters invested by the government or mainly invested by the government, as well as other public buildings with a building area of more than 20000 square meters should adopt precast construction or other green construction methods; The newly built buildings required by Ningxia to be invested by the government shall be constructed by assembly in priority; Shenzhen has put forward the requirement to specify the green building grade, precast and other new industrial building construction methods in the construction land planning conditions.

1、 Policy guidance (I) Improve the top-level design 1.

2、 Technical support (I) Clarify the technical path 1.


The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has formed the List of Reproducible and Popularizable Experiences in the Development of Fabricated Buildings (the first batch) after summarizing the experiences and practices of various regions in policy guidance, technical support, industrial development, capacity improvement, supervision and management, innovative development, etc.

On November 25, 2022, the General Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued a notice on the issuance of the List of Reproducible and Promotable Experience in the Development of Fabricated Buildings (the first batch).

Through the establishment of special funds for precast buildings, eligible projects and base enterprises will be rewarded and subsidized, or precast buildings will be included in the key support scope of green finance to effectively stimulate market enthusiasm.

(2) Strengthen policy incentives 1.

Spread Anchor

Taking the source control of land as the starting point, the implementation requirements of precast buildings are included in the land supply plan, which is specified in the land transfer announcement and implemented in the land use contract to ensure the implementation of precast buildings.

Include legislative protection.

Guide high standard construction.

Government investment projects are included in the incremental cost.

Clarify high standard construction requirements in land supply, and guide developers to improve construction quality.

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