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Precast Concrete Accessories

The installation of elevator for the first integrally assembled existing residence in our city started in Huaxin garden

It is a matter of people’s livelihood.

Alternative list of existing residential elevator service enterprises 9.

↓ [under construction] the elevator installation project of unit 3, building 34, Nanyuan Yili, urban area was started in December 2019.

Reference proportion of cost sharing 10.

Rendering ↓ [under construction] the installation of elevator in unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan, urban area was officially started on August 18, 2020.

Last July, Haining issued a notice on implementing the implementation opinions (Trial) on installing elevators for existing residential buildings in Jiaxing, clarifying the financial subsidy standard.

02 application materials # 03 # handling channels # 1 Zheliban app: select “extraction of self occupied housing for construction, reconstruction and overhaul” / and then select the business type “installation of elevator for existing residence” 2 Provident fund window: Haining administrative service center provident fund window Haining agricultural and Commercial Bank extension network (14) Industrial Bank Haining sub branch extension network (1) 04 popular Q & A: when can I get the provident fund after installing the elevator? A: after obtaining the elevator use registration certificate, you can get the provident fund with relevant materials.

The total amount of withdrawal shall not exceed the expenses actually paid by individuals..

It is also a “key small thing” close to people’s life.

The whole unit has 6 floors and 10 households.

The subsequent elevator installation, civil engineering repair and corridor decoration can be delivered to the owner, which greatly reduces the impact of on-site construction on the owner’s daily life.

Handling address and contact information of elevator installation business 5.

Up to now, 6 elevators have been submitted for installation in the downtown area of Haining, 3 have passed the approval, 2 are under construction, and 1 has been completed and put into use.

Different from the past, this installation is an integral assembly elevator, which adopts the direct corridor installation scheme.

If you want to apply for installing an elevator, what do you need to do? What are the requirements? How to apply? What are the processes? How to get the subsidy? What are the conditions for elevator installation The following contents can be read carefully (click the picture to enlarge ↓) 1.

↓ as early as August 6, the Municipal Leading Group Office for the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings, in conjunction with the market bureau and the special inspection institute, together with the power supply, water, gas, communication and other pipeline units, conducted a centralized site survey on unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan, unit 1, building 1, Luohe community and unit 1, building 22, Luochuan community.

Application materials for joint approval of elevator installation 6.

These residents will press the “fast forward” button when they go home.

The good news is that another community in Haining has installed elevators.

[in use] unit 1, building 3, yangguangjingyuan, urban area.

It is expected to be put into use around the National Day this year.

This year, the elevator is installed in unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan community.

Housing provident fund can also be extracted for installing elevators! How to operate? Let’s take a look at ↓ 01 application conditions ↓ 1 The employee’s family invests to install elevators for their own existing houses, and the elevators are completed, accepted and put into use; 2.

The installation of elevators for people’s livelihood is a benefit project closely related to the well-being of the people.

Basic conditions for installing elevators 3.

△ the main structure of the network schematic diagram only needs 8 hours to be lifted as a whole, and the main structure is completed in 48 hours.

On the morning of August 18, the commencement ceremony of installing elevators for the first integrally assembled existing residential buildings in Haining was held in Huaxin Huayuan.

Generally speaking, the assembly type is to build blocks, divide the whole elevator into several parts, put it into the factory for production, and then transport it to the site for assembly.

Overall steps for installing elevators 4.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors do not use elevators and do not participate in sharing.

Next, unit 1, building 1, Luohe community and unit 1, building 22, Luochuan community will speed up the construction drawing design and submit it for joint review.

The site selection of unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan was held.

The elevator adding unit introduced the elevator installation scheme and preliminary pipeline relocation opinions, and each pipeline unit put forward relevant opinions on site, Finally, a scheme of “one ladder one” is formed.

In principle, the meeting approved the elevator installation scheme of unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan.

Put away the elevator guide and live in the elevator room, which is the envy of many old community residents.

I and my spouse have no housing provident fund loan balance.

Zhang and asked him about the situation.

Lifting Anchor

Application and implementation subject 2.

Q: are there any restrictions on the number and amount of provident fund after installing an elevator? A: a one-time withdrawal.

The applicant shall be the employee who installed the elevator and his / her immediate family members; 3.

First, connect the exterior wall of the staircase, install it outside the staircase, and connect the elevator with the residence through the passage.

The biggest advantage of this “building block” construction method is the short construction period.

Policy Q & A 8.


As for the cost, the total cost of the elevator is 550000 yuan.

Q: what are immediate relatives? A: immediate relatives refer to the spouses, parents and children of the employees themselves.

The news ignited the enthusiasm of residents to install elevators.

Financial subsidy policy 7.

After today’s ceremony, many residents found Mr.

△ effect drawing compared with the traditional construction method of adding elevators, this construction saves more than 50% of the waiting time, and the whole construction period of adding elevators is expected to be about 3 months.

On the morning of August 7, relevant departments, the owner’s representative, the design unit and the elevator installation unit jointly reviewed the contents related to the installation of elevator in unit 1, building 18, Huaxin Huayuan.

After hearing that the elevator could be installed, we discussed and reached an agreement: install! This installation is an integral assembly elevator.

Zhang, who lives in building 19, said she also had the idea of installing an elevator, that is, she didn’t know the process.

Zhang, a resident of this unit, said that when he bought a house, he liked the sixth floor (the top floor), but after living for a long time, he found it inconvenient to buy some heavy things like rice.

After the installation, the elevator can carry 630kg and take 8 people at the same time.


The allocation of this cost is based on the floor of the household using the elevator.

This morning, not only the residents of Huaxin garden, but also some residents of the community came to the scene early to learn about the relevant situation from the representatives of the elevator company.

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