China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

The steel column hoisting of the new construction project of cast building materials production base 4#, 5# building in Changde high tech

In the later construction, the project department will also continue to grasp the nodes and ensure safety, so as to ensure the smooth completion of various indicators of the project..

Fixing Socket Waved End Nail Plate

Recently, the new construction projects of branch high tech Zone 4#, 5# buildings have successfully completed all the steel column hoisting.

Firstly, strengthen the control of construction quality, make technical disclosure to construction personnel before construction, and strictly control the verticality and flatness of steel columns during construction; Secondly, strengthen the control of material supply.

The steel column hoisting of Changde high tech Zone project is completed on schedule.

During the construction period, in order to ensure the smooth hoisting of steel columns, the high tech Zone project is closely organized and planned.

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Finally, the project department completed the installation of 231 steel columns on schedule, creating a good start for the follow-up construction of the project.

The project department sends special personnel to the material production base to squat at the same time, and adopts sectional and subregional construction according to the arrival of materials; In order to reduce the adverse effects of severe weather such as rain and snow, the project department reverses the construction period according to the weather, and takes measures such as laying steel plates on site.

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