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The third meeting of the first Council of Zhuzhou assembly intelligent construction industry association and the working symposium were

In accordance with the articles of association of Zhuzhou cast intelligent construction industry association, the voting results of the meeting are valid.

After listening to the report of the association, the relevant leaders recognized the standardized operation and solid work of the association and gave instructions for the future development of the industry.

It is pointed out that the association should make use of its own advantages, integrate resources, improve the innovation, credibility and influence of the industry, guide the industrial development and serve the economic development of Zhuzhou.

The meeting was successfully held and an agreement was reached.

On the one hand, we should solve the problems of enterprises, on the other hand, we should be a “helper” of the government and build a “bridge” between enterprises and the government.

We should start with energy conservation and emission reduction in the construction process and product performance, strengthen technological transformation, promote the optimization and upgrading of production process and product structure, reduce costs and enhance industrial competitiveness.

In his concluding speech, Lu Tao pointed out that the association held this Council meeting in accordance with the requirements of strict governance and standardized management based on the attitude of being responsible to all member units and the overall situation of better serving member units.

Luo Gan, Secretary General of the association, made a statement on the financial situation.

In the next step, the association should implement the Council resolution and relevant spirit.

The participation and voting ratio are in line with the provisions of the association’s articles of association.

Chen Keliang and Liu Haihong, deputy secretaries of the joint party committee of the enterprise, she Fuhua and Tan qianyong of the industrial chain office, Luo Gan, Secretary General of the association, Liu Zhiyuan, Tang Huafu and Xiao Ming, deputy secretaries general of the association, and relevant staff of the enterprise attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

The meeting deliberated and voted on four proposals: the proposal to add a list of vice president units, director units and member units, the proposal to adjust membership fees, the proposal to change vice president units, and the proposal to amend the articles of association.

The Council has 13 representatives of the governing units and 12 actual representatives.

The enterprise representatives attending the meeting fully discussed and expressed their opinions on the current situation of the industry and the next work ideas.

The representatives of the governing units attending the meeting agreed with 12 and disagreed with 0.

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Liu Junqing believes that at present, the degree of standardization and market recognition of precast architectural design in our city need to be improved.

5 construction industrialization Co., Ltd., the chairman unit of the association.

The meeting was presided over by Tan Xuewen, vice president of the association and chairman of Hunan Zhongtian Hangxiao Steel Structure Technology Co., Ltd.

He pointed out that we should have a sense of crisis and strengthen cost management; It is necessary to enhance the degree of integration among enterprises in the industry, form a unified supplier and develop in a group; We should change our thinking, improve our position and benchmark, link the development of the industry with the overall development of Zhuzhou, and highlight our new responsibilities in the journey of “striving for strength, revitalizing our strength” and “cultivating and manufacturing famous cities and building a happy Zhuzhou”…

Tan Ting believes that the next work should focus on the two goals of improving the high quality of buildings and high-quality residential development in our city and reducing building carbon emissions, and promote the development of precast construction industry with “innovation in stability” and “progress in stability”.

At the meeting, Lu Tao, President of the association, made a report on the work of the Council.

On January 19, 2022, the third meeting of the first Council of Zhuzhou cast intelligent construction industry association and the working symposium were successfully held in Hunan Construction Engineering No.

The meeting invited Liu Junqing, deputy director of Zhuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Xiang Qianjin, deputy director of Hetang District, ye Youquan, Secretary of the joint party committee of precast construction industry enterprises, Xiao Honglin, director of the precast construction industry chain office, and Tan Ting, chief of the energy conservation section of Zhuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development.

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