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Precast Concrete Accessories

The third university students’ water conservancy and water transport assembly technology design competition was successfully concluded

Lu Shengli, Deputy Secretary General of China Water Conservancy Association, Xia Xueshan, vice president of Kunming University of technology, Wu Zhiyong, Executive Deputy Secretary General of higher education branch of China Water Conservancy Education Association, Zhang Yan, executive president of Jianhua building materials group and other experts attended the meeting.

For details, please see the following link [notice] notice on organizing member units of the ecological concrete branch to participate in the “ecological cloud Exhibition” activities.

Lifting Clutches

More than 60 teams, nearly 100 instructors and more than 240 students from more than 40 colleges and universities specializing in water conservancy across the country participated in the competition.

Since the first session, more and more students have displayed their works and research achievements on this stage.

It has a broad prospect for promotion and application in the high-quality development of water conservancy in the new stage.

After the preliminary evaluation of the competition, 40 excellent works from the two groups of irrigation engineering and gate dam engineering, river and lake management and other projects entered the final, and competed for various awards through online and offline combination.

Article source: Jianhua building materials is in the process of signing up for the “ecological cloud Exhibition” series of activities of the recent popular ecological cloud exhibition.

On August 25, the third water conservancy and water transport assembly technology design competition for college students, jointly sponsored by China Water Conservancy Society, higher education branch of China Water Conservancy Education Association and Jianhua building materials group and organized by Kunming University of technology, opened in Kunming.

■ the water conservancy and water transport assembly technology design competition for college students at the awarding site is widely welcomed by national water transport universities and related enterprises.

The theme of this competition is “green, low-carbon, assembly and construction”.

■ according to Lu Shengli, Deputy Secretary General of China Water Conservancy Society at the competition site, in July 2020, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of water resources and other 13 ministries and commissions jointly issued the guiding opinions on promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, requiring the promotion and application of assembly technology in many industries such as construction and water conservancy.

In order to focus on the development needs of the water conservancy field, serve the technical needs of the industry, improve the practice and innovation ability of the majority of water conservancy students, and promote the high-quality development of water conservancy in the new stage.

Compared with the traditional technology, the assembly technology is characterized by design standardization, production industrialization, construction mechanization, green environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction, quality control and other advantages.

■ deputy secretary general Lu Shengli delivered a speech.

In the future, the competition will further expand the scope of participating institutions and the influence of the industry in combination with the policy guidance and development needs of the water conservancy industry, and create an influential and sustainable competition in the water conservancy industry.

Extended reading 📣 About ecological concrete branch of China concrete and Cement Products Association 📣 Green Low Carbon Research Center for precast concrete in concrete and cement products industry 📣 “Ecological green low carbon” is a new trend of industrial development, and ecological concrete is blooming in Nanjing 📣 [ecological cloud lecture] season 4 | low carbon talk (May June 2022) 📣 Development report of China’s ecological concrete industry in 2021 📣 “Jianhua building materials Cup” award winning works exhibition of the second national ecological concrete innovative design and application competition 📣 The Fourth Council (enlarged) meeting of the first session of ecological concrete branch of China concrete and cement products association was held 📣 [ecological cloud exhibition] ecological concrete branch member style display 📣 Preparation of code for design of application of hydraulic ecological concrete started 📣 The first working meeting of technical guide for design and construction of highway pile slab structure was held.

It aims to deepen the new development concept under the goal of “double carbon”, explore the innovation and application of concrete assembly technology in the field of water conservancy and water transport engineering construction, and guide and cultivate the innovative ability of college students in the standardization, assembly, low-carbon and ecological aspects of engineering design.

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