China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Think high-tech | the proportion of precast buildings should reach “30%”

Revise the measures for the management of scientific and technological innovation projects of the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province to further improve the management system of scientific and technological projects.

Before that, the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province issued the measures for the management of science and technology innovation plan projects of the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province, which clarified the requirements for the establishment, application, management and other stages of science and technology innovation plan projects in Guangdong Province; Develop and construct the management information system of science and technology projects in Guangdong Province, and realize the information management of the whole process of science and technology projects in Guangdong Province; Print and distribute the list of main tasks for implementing the scientific and technological development plan for housing and urban rural construction during the 14th Five Year Plan period, organize the preparation of the three-year action plan for the scientific and technological innovation and development of housing and urban rural construction in Guangdong Province (2022-2024) in combination with the actual situation of Guangdong, strengthen the top-level design, and deploy the scientific and technological innovation work of construction in the province in the next three years.

10-2, QUANNAN street, Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning Province Tel: 13352276775..


Promote the establishment of a regional innovation pattern with Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the main engines, the Pearl River Delta as the core, and the coordinated development of the coastal economic belt and the northern ecological zone.

Promote the Pearl River Delta region to become a new highland for the development of green buildings.

Think high tech learned from the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province that Guangdong plans to establish a provincial scientific and Technological Innovation Committee for housing and urban rural construction, coordinate the development layout of scientific and technological innovation in the construction of the province, and build a number of provincial scientific and technological innovation platforms and six Provincial Scientific and technological innovation bases for construction; The proportion of precast buildings in new buildings in Guangdong cities and towns should reach 30%.

2 relying on scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, backbone enterprises, industry associations and the provincial housing and urban rural construction science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, we will carry out research and development on key technologies in the construction field, such as carbon peak and carbon neutralization, green buildings, precast buildings, industrialization of new buildings, urban renewal and quality improvement, new urban infrastructure, urban safety and disaster prevention and reduction technology, especially urban typhoon prevention, waterlogging prevention, fire disaster prevention, road subsidence prevention and so on, Improve the technical support capacity of the industry.

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New wall materials have been fully applied in New Urban buildings.

We should establish a database of scientific and technological application achievements in housing and urban rural construction, strengthen the promotion of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the integration of industry, University, research and application.

Double Ended Ferrule

Star rated green buildings account for more than 30% of the new green buildings in cities and towns in the province, and precast buildings account for 30% of the new urban buildings.

Formulate the Interim Measures for the management of scientific and technological innovation platforms for housing and Urban-Rural Construction in Guangdong Province, carry out the construction of scientific and technological innovation platforms for housing and Urban-Rural Construction at the provincial level, and improve the supporting capacity of scientific and technological innovation.

We will continue to carry out the application and management of provincial construction science and technology innovation plan projects, create 150 science and technology innovation plan projects in construction fields above the provincial level, and establish a number of provincial-level housing and Urban-Rural Construction Science and technology demonstration projects.

According to the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province, more than 90 technology centers at or above the provincial level have been established, and no less than 10 Internet demonstration platforms for the construction industry have been cultivated.


Do a good job in the recommendation of science and technology projects of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and science and technology awards such as Huaxia science and technology award, China Patent Award, Provincial Patent Award and scientific and technological progress award, and strive to win no less than 50 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards.



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