China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Typical engineering cases of precast buildings ② Industrialization project of lithium ion battery materials with annual output of 40000 tons

The project will be completed in October 2020 and will pass the review of precast building construction stage in 2021.

To ensure the safety and feasibility of construction methods, the project team has built a 1:1 construction method verification area, as shown in Figure 2.

03 Participating units Construction unit: General Contractor of Xiamen Tungsten New Energy Materials Co., Ltd Designer: Fujian Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

Due to the requirements of the production process, such industrial buildings cannot usually use steel structures; In order to meet the requirements of production line layout, the length of structural unit often needs to be more than 100 meters.

Preface In recent years, our province has continued to steadily promote precast buildings and achieved positive results.

II Assembled construction technology and characteristics applied in the project 01 Support free and mold free system and construction method of full prefabrication of horizontal floor.

This project is the first project in Fujian Province to implement support free and mold free assembly technology.

4 Comparison of reinforcement arrangement of beam column joints before and after optimization Fig.

The finite element analysis shows that the buckling restrained braces are arranged according to the plane layout principle of “uniform, decentralized and symmetrical”, and the structural storey displacement angle is significantly reduced, meeting the seismic reduction goal; At the same time, it also has a good anti-seismic energy dissipation mechanism and plastic deformation capacity, which greatly improves the safety of the main structure.

The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees (0.15g), which is a standard fortification building.

The method of combining precast buildings with energy dissipation and vibration reduction has prominent advantages, which not only improves the safety and workmanship of precast buildings, but also achieves the goal of cost control..

The application of energy dissipation and vibration reduction technology can effectively solve the limitations of conventional concrete frame scheme for large span, heavy load, large storey height and large volume multi-storey industrial plants, as shown in Figure 3.

Through empirical calculation, the adoption of energy dissipation and vibration reduction technology can effectively reduce the section of components, save about 20% of concrete for columns and main beams, and save 20% of column reinforcement, greatly reducing the production and construction difficulty of precast components, and improving the rationality of the structural scheme, as shown in Figure 4.

Deepening Designer: Fujian Construction Engineering Assembled Building Research Institute Co., Ltd.

Basic information 01 Project overview This project is located in Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, south of Changyuan Road and north of Jiangang Road, with a total land area of 204034 m2 and a total building area of 366007 m2.

For such large volume reinforced concrete industrial buildings, if cast-in-situ method and conventional prefabrication method are adopted, tall formwork support system needs to be set, which requires large material consumption, expensive construction measures and long construction period, as shown in Figure 1.

Generally, the column spacing of such industrial buildings is 10~12m, the floor height of the production area is 8~12m, and the service live load is 20~80kN/m2, which are significantly larger than those of conventional civil buildings.

The enterprise actively explores and creates a batch of high-quality precast construction projects.

The 40000 ton/year lithium-ion battery material industrialization project – 3 # 6 # 1.

02 Main technical indicators of precast buildings The 3 # and 6 # production workshops of the project are precast frame support (BRB) systems, with seismic rating of Level II, 7 floors above the ground, a total height of 47.35m, and a typical column spacing of 8.1m × 13m, the live load of the floor is 20kN/㎡, and the floor height is 5-7m.

According to the construction conditions of the project site, a detailed construction scheme without support and formwork is prepared, and experts are organized by Xiamen Construction Industry Association to carry out a special demonstration of construction.

Figure 1 Realistic view of similar projects of conventional prefabrication (high formwork) To solve the above problems, the R&D team deconstructed the precast precast concrete floor according to the system theory method, analyzed the stress characteristics and key technical indicators of each component at different stages, and improved the existing general precast nodes according to the principle of innovative precast construction mode, We have also developed a fully precast construction system with independent intellectual property rights and a formwork free and shoring free construction method.

To solve the above problems, carbon fiber reinforced buckling restrained brace (BRB) is applied in this project.

Due to the limitations of building functions and production processes, the layout of reinforced concrete shear walls in this project is very limited, and it is difficult to use a frame shear wall structure.


However, the conventional concrete frame structure with “resistance” as the main structure has the problems of large beam column size and dense reinforcement.

Bolt Anchor

The precast buildings include 1 # quality inspection building, 3 # and 6 # production workshops, 10 # maintenance workshop, 14 # comprehensive building, 15 #, 16 #, 17 # and 18 # shift dormitory, etc.

The floor height of the duplex area where the production line is located is 11.5m, which is a large-span, heavy load, multi-storey concrete industrial plant.


In order to summarize the experience and practice of precast buildings in our province, guide local governments to better promote the development of precast buildings, and advocate the advantages of precast buildings in terms of cost control, time saving, safety and reliability, the provincial department determined five cases as the first batch of typical engineering cases of precast buildings after the application of enterprises, the recommendation of the competent housing construction departments of cities with districts, and the review of experts, for everyone to learn from in combination with practice.

Supervisor: Fujian Metallurgical Industry Design Institute Co., Ltd.

3 BRB application Fig.

Parts Manufacturer: Fujian Jianhui Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

Under the above constraints, the comprehensive use of modern energy dissipation technology and assembly construction method can obtain good economic benefits.

Fujian Jianhao Construction Technology Co., Ltd.

Constructor: Fujian Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

With the development of new energy and semiconductor industry technology, the current development trend of related industrial buildings in China is large-scale and complex.

2 The application of energy dissipation and shock absorption technology in the construction method verification area and hoisting equipment (QUY260 crawler crane) 02 in large industrial plants.

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