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Up to 100% precast │ Tianjin Carbon Peak Implementation Plan printed and distributed | precast buildings

We will give better play to the government’s guiding role, improve the green and low-carbon policy system, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, and promote a better combination of a promising government and an effective market.

Comprehensively and accurately understand the far-reaching impact of the carbon peak action on economic and social development, closely follow the major national strategy of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the functional orientation of “one base and three districts”, and focus on the 14th Five Year Plan for Tianjin’s National Economic and Social Development and the Outline of the Vision and Objectives for 2035, systematically promote and focus on breakthroughs, and strive to build an economic system of green and low-carbon circular development—— Give priority to saving and improve efficiency.

During the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, coal consumption will continue to decrease.

Promote coal consumption reduction and substitution.

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During the “Tenth Five Year Plan” period, significant progress was made in industrial restructuring, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system was initially established, a low-carbon development model was basically formed in key areas, energy utilization efficiency in key energy consuming industries reached the international advanced level, the proportion of non fossil energy consumption was further increased, coal consumption was further reduced, green and low-carbon technologies made a key breakthrough, and green lifestyle became a conscious choice of the public, The policy system for green and low-carbon circular development is basically sound.

(3) Main objectives During the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, the industrial structure and energy structure will be more optimized, the energy utilization efficiency of key enterprises in key industries such as thermal power, steel, petrochemical and chemical will strive to reach the benchmark level, the coal consumption will continue to decrease, the construction of new power systems will be accelerated, new progress will be made in the research, development, promotion and application of green low-carbon technologies, and the green production and lifestyle will be widely promoted, The policy system conducive to green and low-carbon circular development is further improved.

2、 Key Task (I) The energy green and low-carbon transformation action adheres to safe carbon reduction, builds on the city’s energy resource endowment, takes green energy development as the key, and on the basis of ensuring safe energy supply, deepens the energy revolution, deepens the reform of energy system and mechanism, reasonably controls fossil energy consumption, vigorously implements clean energy substitution, and accelerates the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

We will thoroughly implement the major national strategic requirements for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, base ourselves on the new stage of development, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, adhere to the system concept, handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and partial, long-term and short-term goals, government and market, balance stable growth and structural adjustment, and incorporate carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into all areas, levels and processes of economic and social development, In accordance with the general policy of “national coordination, saving first, two wheel drive, internal and external smooth, and risk prevention”, we will vigorously, orderly, and effectively do a good job of carbon peak, clarify the goals and tasks of each region, field, and industry, accelerate the realization of green changes in production and lifestyle, promote economic and social development based on the efficient use of resources and green low-carbon development, and ensure that the goal of carbon peak by 2030 is achieved as scheduled.

On the premise of ensuring energy security, we will continue to do a good job in coal control and promote the clean and efficient use of coal.

Focusing on the construction of the “Tianjin” and “Bincheng” twin city development pattern, we will strengthen the city’s overall planning and linkage, and implement policies according to local conditions and classifications according to the functional orientation of each district.

Strictly control new coal consumption projects, and strictly implement coal reduction and replacement for coal consumption projects that really need to be constructed..

Carry out pilot construction and explore a low-carbon development model that can be operated, copied and promoted—— Stable, orderly and safe carbon reduction.


We will complete the national goal of coal control and further reduce coal consumption during the “Fifteenth Five Year Plan” period.

By 2025, the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP should meet the national targets; The proportion of non fossil energy consumption will strive to reach above 11.7%, laying a solid foundation for achieving carbon peak.

Put energy and resources conservation in the first place, implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, give play to policy synergy, continue to reduce energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions per unit output, advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, and form effective carbon emission control valves from the source and the inlet—— Two wheel drive with two hands.

We will vigorously promote green and low-carbon scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation, promote reform in energy and related fields, and form an effective incentive and restraint mechanism—— Urban linkage, pilot first.

By 2030, the energy consumption per unit of GDP will drop significantly, and the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by more than 65% compared with 2005; The proportion of non fossil energy consumption will strive to reach more than 16%, and the goal of reaching the carbon peak by 2030 will be achieved as scheduled.

Strengthen risk identification and control, stabilize the stock and expand the increment, ensure energy security, industrial chain supply chain security and food security while reducing carbon, ensure the normal life of the people, stabilize growth, adjust the structure, avoid “one size fits all” and “sports” carbon reduction, and gradually promote the carbon peak action.

This plan is formulated in combination with the actual situation of the city.

(2) The working principle is to adhere to systematic thinking, reform thinking, innovative thinking and strategic thinking, and lead the transformation of industrial structure, production mode, lifestyle and spatial pattern with carbon to peak and carbon neutral—— Find the right position and highlight development.

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