China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

When zhangshuyun went to Lulong County to investigate the development of precast construction industry, she stressed that she attached great

Zhangshuyun stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the problem orientation, sort out the policies for promoting industrial development in various fields, analyze the difficult blocking points affecting industrial development, further clarify ideas and clarify tasks.

Zhangshuyun pointed out that precast buildings have the characteristics of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, which is the inevitable trend of the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

We should strengthen the promotion and application, promote the pilot work of precast buildings, widely publicize the technical characteristics and advantages of precast building products, and enhance the recognition and acceptance of the general public.

The leading comrades of the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, the Municipal Bureau of agriculture and rural areas, the Municipal Bureau of resource planning and the Municipal Bureau of Finance participated in the survey.

She stressed that all departments at all levels should thoroughly implement the decision and deployment of the central and provincial governments on the development of precast buildings, further emancipate the mind, forge ahead, and accelerate the development of precast construction industry to make new breakthroughs with a sense of urgency and responsibility.

She had a cordial exchange with the person in charge of the enterprise and learned in detail about the technical structure, advantages and characteristics of the precast building products, enterprise production capacity, production and operation, market development, etc.

“How safe, comfortable and practical is the product?” “How much is the difference between the construction cycle and construction cost compared with the traditional construction method?” Zhangshuyun came to area a of the precast Industrial Park of Hebei Yongxiang Integrated Housing Co., Ltd.

It is necessary to build a normative system, speed up the establishment of local standards for the whole process of design, production, construction, acceptance and maintenance of precast buildings, and promote the precast construction industry of our city to take the lead in the province.

All departments at all levels in the city should attach great importance to it, seize the opportunity, take the development of precast buildings as an important starting point for industrial transformation and upgrading, and as an important way to stimulate economic growth, so as to promote the precast construction industry in the city to a new level.

All member units should coordinate and coordinate, conduct in-depth research, and find out the bottom line.

During the epidemic period, we should reduce going out, not visiting or gathering, reduce contact with outsiders, avoid going to crowded public places, do personal protection, and actively vaccinate newcrown vaccine.

Enterprises should pay attention to improving the technical level and product quality, strive to reduce the cost of precast construction, and continuously improve the market competitiveness.

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According to the actual situation of rural housing construction and the wishes and needs of farmers, precast green rural housing should be promoted according to local conditions and needs, so as to lay a foundation for the development of precast construction industry and Rural Revitalization Strategy.

On June 13, zhangshuyun, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee, went to Lulong County to investigate the development of precast construction industry.

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Subsequently, a symposium was held to listen to the report of Lulong County on the development of precast construction industry, the demands and suggestions of enterprises in production, operation and industrial development, as well as the opinions and suggestions of municipal departments.

A municipal work leading group should be set up.

The promotion of precast green rural houses is of great significance to improve the standardization, quality and safety of rural people’s rural houses.

(reporter chuxuemin) source: Qinhuangdao daily [warm tips] the elderly, children and people with serious basic diseases are high-risk susceptible groups of novel coronavirus.

County leaders Dongfei, liyangyang and zhougengquan accompanied the investigation.

and visited the precast building products, precast model houses and production workshops.

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