China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Why has the precast building been vigorously promoted? That’s the truth!

The demographic dividend is gradually disappearing and the labor cost is rising rapidly.

Henan lanzhigang housing manufacturers have determined the task objectives of precast buildings to counties and cities to escort the development of precast buildings! Share, collect, like and watch..

The traditional concrete pouring mode is a typical labor-intensive production mode.

In the past decades, the cast-in-situ concrete building model has developed widely due to China’s rich labor resources.

Whether from the perspective of policy orientation or market orientation, precast buildings will become an important development direction of new buildings.

At present, the proportion of precast buildings in China is less than 5%, and there is still a certain gap with developed countries.

Why does the precast building promoted by the state become the general trend? There are the following reasons: 01 precast buildings have the characteristics of modularization, customization, high efficiency and greening.

The top-level design has been improved and local rules have been implemented.


However, with the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend and the rapid rise of labor costs, this model will be unsustainable.

Since the action plan for green building was issued by the development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in 2013, the state has intensively promulgated policy documents on the promotion of precast buildings.

Plate Rebar Anchor

Earlier, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development said that we should vigorously promote precast buildings and make them account for 30% of the new construction area in about 10 years.

Industry experts predict that in the next 10 years, the market scale of China’s precast buildings will reach 2.5 trillion yuan, and the market development space is huge.


The cost of assembly construction mode will drop rapidly! 31 provinces across the country have successively issued support policies and subsidy standards for precast buildings to determine the national and provincial precast demonstration bases and projects.

This time, precast buildings are still in a good time of “policy explosion”.

Compared with developed countries, China’s construction industry is still at a very low level of industrialization.

At present, Japan, the United States, Sweden and other countries have a construction industrialization rate of 70% – 80%, while China’s construction industrialization rate is only 5%.

With the vigorous promotion of precast buildings, the output of precast components is increasing and the standardization rate is greatly improved.

05 the cost of precast buildings will be greatly reduced.

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