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Why should we vigorously develop precast buildings?

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02 Promoting the industrialization of new buildings and promoting the industrialization of new buildings come down in one continuous line with the national promotion of the modernization of the construction industry and precast buildings.

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During more than ten years of cooperation with the cadre college of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, he has vigorously carried out the training of first-class and second-class constructors, cost engineers, fire engineers, BIM+assembly type, supervision, electrical engineers, academic qualifications, eight staff and other projects.

The precast building technology system is increasingly mature.

Since the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings in 2016, the industrialization of new buildings represented by precast buildings has been rapidly promoted, and the construction level and building quality have been significantly improved.

However, due to the extensive construction mode, it has also brought a lot of problems such as waste of resources and energy, environmental pollution, common quality problems, and potential safety hazards.

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It is of great significance to comprehensively promote the construction of ecological civilization and accelerate the process of new-type urbanization.

In accordance with the overall deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development steadily promoted the development of precast buildings, guided local governments to introduce relevant policies and measures, and successively prepared standards and specifications such as the Technical Standards for Fabricated Concrete Buildings, the Technical Standards for Fabricated Steel Structure Buildings, the Technical Standards for Fabricated Wood Structure Buildings, and the Evaluation Standards for Fabricated Buildings.

It is not only an important means to stabilize growth, promote reform and adjust the structure, but also an internal requirement to create a “double engine” for economic development.

By identifying a large number of precast building demonstration cities and industrial bases and building pilot demonstration projects of a certain scale, a good development foundation has been laid for comprehensively promoting the industrialization of new buildings.

The development of new building industrialization represented by precast buildings is the main measure for green development and low-carbon circular development in the field of urban and rural construction.

Compared with the people’s growing needs for a better life, the construction industry has a huge space for development in scientific and technological innovation, improving efficiency, improving quality, reducing pollution and emissions.

Since the reform and opening up of precast buildings has been vigorously developed, China’s construction industry has played an important role in promoting social and economic development, urban and rural construction, and improving the living environment.

Credit co construction – Teacher Li 13371739680 (WeChat), an integrity archives enterprise, focuses on the pre examination training in the construction industry.

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