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Ask for advice! About Yichang Assembled Commercial Residence

The quality warranty period of the owner of the house by the construction unit shall be calculated from the date of delivery, and the qualified parts can be re agreed upon through negotiation.


The decoration shall be carried out in strict accordance with the drawings.

The actual delivery content shall be consistent with the model room.

The direction, installation method and position of the indoor ceiling, ground, wall pipelines, electrical components, facilities and equipment of the fully decorated commercial residential building of the precast building, as well as the connection position of the precast components, load-bearing structures, important components and other parts that are not allowed to be removed and modified shall be clearly and concisely illustrated in the residential user manual.

The retention time of the model house shall be no less than 2 years from the date of project completion acceptance filing or 3 months after the completion of the house delivery.

The full decoration of residential buildings is one of the necessary contents of precast buildings.


The full decoration of precast commercial residential buildings should adopt the method of “integrated decoration and repair of design and construction”.

(2) Strengthen the management of “model houses” 1.



Before the completion and acceptance of the fully decorated commercial residential building of the precast building, the fixed surfaces of the kitchen and toilet are all paved and installed, and the fixed facilities (cabinets, cigarette machines, cooking appliances, toilets, basins, showers, etc.) are all installed in place; The internal wall and top surfaces of other indoor areas have been finished, the ground leveling layer has been completed, the switches, sockets and pipelines have been set reasonably and adequately, and all have been installed in place.

Strengthen the supervision of the full decoration of precast commercial residential buildings, and order the enterprises that have violated the construction procedures, false publicity, fraudulent sales and other bad behaviors during the implementation of the full decoration of precast commercial residential buildings to rectify, record the relevant bad behaviors in the enterprise credit file, and investigate and deal with the illegal behaviors according to the law and regulations..

Recently, the official website of Yichang Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on soliciting opinions from the Notice on Strengthening the Management of the Full Decoration of Fabricated Commercial Residential Buildings (Draft for Comments).

Commercial residential buildings delivered in rough state shall not be recognized as fully decorated commercial residential buildings.

The precast decoration is encouraged, and the calculated score of the assembly rate of the precast decoration is improved, so that the precast buildings are equally encouraged.

3、 Fully implement the credit evaluation of the construction market 1.



One room and one inspection shall be strictly implemented.

The construction unit shall deliver the housing and handle the handover procedures after the project is completed and accepted, and at the same time hand over the relevant data including as built drawings to the property service enterprise and the industry committee.

71) and the Twenty Opinions of the Provincial People’s Government on Promoting the Reform and Development of the Construction Industry in the Province, according to the relevant requirements of the Detailed Rules for the Calculation of the Assembly Rate of Fabricated Buildings in Yichang City (for Trial Implementation), and in combination with the actual development of the whole decoration of precast buildings in our city, The relevant matters concerning the management of the full decoration of precast commercial residential buildings are hereby notified as follows: 1.

The construction unit shall set up 1-2 model houses and product (reserved sample) exhibition areas according to each type of house before selling the house, and the construction quality, process level and material quality of subsequent batch decoration of residential buildings shall not be lower than the standard of model houses.

It is not allowed to change the main body, load-bearing structure or main use functions of the building without authorization in violation of the design documents.

On the basis of meeting the acceptance standards for the full decoration of precast buildings, the construction unit can improve the standard level of decoration and the scope of facilities and equipment selection, provide 2-3 options, and clearly agree with the buyer in the commercial housing sales contract.

Once the above behaviors are found, they shall be timely dissuaded and reported to relevant departments.

Other sets, fixed facilities, floors and other bulk materials shall be consistent with the reserved samples.

The construction unit shall organize the participating units to conduct independent acceptance of the model house first, and the subsequent batch decoration can be carried out only after the acceptance is qualified.

If the model house is sold during the period, it shall be reset, and the standard is the same as above.


The construction unit or property management organization shall incorporate the above prohibited behaviors into the Temporary Management Regulations and conduct regular inspections.

2、 Strengthen the management of the whole decoration process of precast residential buildings (I) Strengthen the management of housing sales contracts.

When applying for the construction permit, the civil engineering and decoration projects shall be reported simultaneously, and it is strictly prohibited to contract the full decoration project of precast commercial residential buildings.

The construction unit shall coordinate the connection between civil engineering and decoration design, include the full decoration content into the bidding scope, and the construction contract concluded with the general contractor according to law shall include the full decoration design content of precast commercial residential buildings.

The construction unit should indicate in the sales contract that the total price of commercial housing includes the price of the full decoration of precast residential buildings, and indicate the decoration content, material grade, including the main materials and the specifications of the agreed delivery facilities and equipment (the equipment must also be marked with technical parameters), material, color, model, product serial number, manufacturer, etc.


Halfen Channel

The construction unit shall establish a quality return visit and quality complaint handling mechanism, deal with the quality problems within the warranty scope and warranty period in a timely manner, and bear the corresponding liability for compensation for property losses.

After the residence is delivered for use, it is not allowed to dismantle and destroy the bearing wall, damage the load-bearing reinforcement, and dismantle and change the supporting facilities such as water, electricity, gas, communication, and fire doors without authorization.


71), In combination with the actual development of full decoration of precast buildings in Yichang, Yichang Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau drafted the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Full Decoration of Fabricated Commercial Residential Buildings (Draft for Comments), which is now open to the public for comments.

Strictly implement the standard of the full decoration of precast residential buildings.

Notice of Yichang Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau on Strengthening the Management of the Full Decoration of Fabricated Commercial Residential Buildings on August 19, 2021 (Draft for Comments) All relevant units: In order to further implement the spirit of the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (GBF [2016] No.

The lighting facilities meet the basic use functions.

The housing construction bureaus of all counties and cities, the construction management offices of high-tech zones, and all relevant units: To further implement the relevant requirements of the Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings (GBF [2016] No.

(3) Improve the after-sales service of commercial housing 1.

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