China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Building is building blocks? Precast vegetables and precast buildings in the construction industry will take off?

Compared with the target of 40% by 2030 mentioned at the beginning, the 20% difference may contain gold.

02 When affordable rental housing meets precast buildings, friends who often read high-level documents must know that this year’s Central Economic Work Conference proposed to “increase the supply of market-oriented long-term rental housing and affordable rental housing through multiple channels”.

The superimposed market is optimistic about the real estate market next year, and the precast buildings are expected to be extremely full.

The application proportion of newly started precast buildings (2019), do you think the two are a match made in heaven? From the perspective of the planning of affordable rental housing identified by the author, during the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” period, the newly built area was up to 640 million square meters, of which the market size corresponding to precast buildings would exceed 1.5 trillion.

The cost of precast steel structure materials exceeds 70%.

Assembled buildings must be on the list.

The enthusiasm of industry players has been fully mobilized in the construction industry development plan of the “Fourteenth Five Year Plan”.

Fabricated buildings will have a higher material recycling rate, which can better realize the recycling of resources, This can also reduce some costs.

Do you know the precast dishes in the construction industry? Property overlay infrastructure! Building materials are soaring, a real opportunity or a real trap? Note: This document does not constitute any investment proposal.

You may ask, what does this have to do with precast buildings? Can they still spark love? Don’t tell me, there is a play.

It seems that this plate has gone out of the low ebb of last month and started to rise against the trend.

In fact, this technology is not a very new product.

Is the top floor design good for precast buildings? The answer is yes.

Therefore, some experts predict that the cost of precast buildings will be the same as that of traditional buildings within the next seven years.

After all, the carbon emission of the construction industry is absolutely the largest in all walks of life.

The comparison between precast buildings and traditional buildings makes it clear that energy conservation and emission reduction is the big killer of precast buildings.

At present, the proportion of precast buildings in the United States and Europe has exceeded 70%.

No business, no harm…

Don’t forget the characteristics of precast buildings? The larger the construction scale, the assembly line production, which can reflect the cost advantage.

However, the author often says that investment is expected.

Everyone is on the way.

According to the official “Fourteenth Five Year Plan” for the construction industry, precast buildings among the seven major tasks are considered as the key development direction by the industry.

Fabricated buildings pay more attention to less labor and assembly line production.

In short, it is similar to the process of “making cars”.

The beams, columns, walls, stairs, balconies and other parts of the building are designed separately, and then standardized in the factory.

The author/editor of baked buns under the starry sky/layout of spinach under the starry sky/taro yuan under the starry sky asked what was the most popular in the recent period.

Is the trillion market not enough for you to seek gold? 03 Cost or Lifeline Compared with foreign countries, the penetration rate of our precast buildings is still relatively low, which is ultimately due to the cost.

In addition to labor factors, there are also factors related to material recycling.

Adhering to the principle of “catch the thief first, catch the king”, we should also start with precast buildings.

For example, when the precast rate of precast buildings reaches 30%, the construction period can be shortened by 20% – 45%, and water and energy consumption can be saved by at least 20%.

The orders of Guotong (002205) for precast buildings have also basically been delivered.

For example, precast concrete structures reduce carbon emissions by about 11% compared with traditional cast-in-place buildings.

Where is the internal logic? It is mainly that affordable rental housing is generally constructed by the government, which means that the project is characterized by large volume, then mainly in batches, and low degree of personalization.

Proportion of precast buildings Why are precast buildings so popular? It turns out that, according to the data found by the author, it has obvious savings or improvements in material consumption and construction period compared with traditional buildings.

With the disappearance of the domestic population dividend in the future, negative growth, and rising labor costs, the trend of cost decline is basically a firm one.

The stock market is risky, so you should be cautious when entering the market.

From the trend of the past five years, the proportion of precast buildings in the newly constructed building area, especially in the past two years, has accelerated penetration.

Lifting Anchor

Players such as Zhongzhuang Construction (002822) and Xincheng Holding (601155) have welcomed a wave of ups and downs.

Finally, they are accurately assembled at the construction site.

Are you ready for that day as an investor? Related reading: Real estate will be better! Will housing prices rise when we look at the financial reports of housing enterprises in the head? The epidemic has caught fire.

Players still have a long way to go before the goal of 40% precast buildings by 2030.

Compete with others and help Chao.

What about the penetration data of precast buildings in China? Only 20%.

According to its recent actions, Hainan Ruize (002596) precast construction business was put into production in September last year and began to supply customers.

Investors unfamiliar with the trend of precast buildings may be curious about what precast buildings are.

So, can the cast buildings, which are constantly soaring in popularity, give the real estate industry the wings of dreams and achieve a second takeoff? I’ll take you to find out.

With the increase of prefabrication rate, the proportion of resource consumption will further increase.

It really developed at a high speed in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially after the World War II.

(Pay attention to the official account and reply “precast buildings” in the dialog box to see what you can pay attention to.) 01 If a good helper of energy conservation and emission reduction further classifies precast buildings, they can be mainly divided into concrete, steel structure and wood structure.

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