China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Cement Plant Holds a Conference on Party Conduct, Clean Government Construction, and Anti Corruption Work

Magnetic Box

On the morning of March 18th, the Party branch of the cement plant held the 2023 Party Building and Party Conduct, Clean Government Construction, and Anti Corruption Work Conference.

Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres and workers at all levels.

The second problem is that the management work is not strict, detailed, and practical in all aspects of the work, and the decision-making and management requirements of the party committee and company are not fully implemented.

Strengthen the construction of Party branches, guide production with Party organizations, and strengthen the role of organization guidance and service.

Author: Li Yanxia (Cement Plant).

Fifth, we must always firmly establish the bottom line of integrity and self-discipline, and safeguard the long-term stability of the enterprise.

Third, the excellent style of overcoming difficulties needs to be honed, and the exemplary leadership and dedication spirit are insufficient.

In particular, leading cadres and personnel in key positions signed a letter of commitment to clean and honest employment, calling out the solemn pledge of the majority of party members, cadres, and personnel in key positions to be honest and upright officers, and to be a clean and honest person, It embodies the spirit, courage, and determination of all cadres and employees of the cement plant under the leadership of the Party organization, as well as the strong joint force to fully complete the tasks of party construction, production, and operation in 2023.

Be prepared to seize the early and seize the small through heart-to-heart talks and improve the system.

Cultivate a team of loyal enterprises, dedicated employees, skilled professional skills, and high management level.

Second, we must strengthen the unwavering construction of our ideological style and pool the strong joint forces of working and entrepreneurship.

In her concluding speech, Xu Yuping pointed out that today’s conference highlighted the party building work of the cement plant’s party branch in 2023, as well as the building of a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work.

I have learned the spirit of the 2023 Party Building and Party Conduct, Integrity Building, and Anti Corruption Work Conference of Mongway Company, and have clarified the company’s work direction and requirements for 2023.

Third, we must improve production, operation and management levels based on strict enterprise governance requirements.

With the theme activity of “My Monument, My Home” as the starting point, encourage employees to love the factory, love their jobs, and take the initiative to take responsibility.

The meeting was attended by Xu Yuping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the company, Kong Weihua, Technical Director of the company, and Secretary of the Party branch of the branch, as well as all party members and key personnel from the branch.

Looking forward to 2023, we have the confidence to do a good job and complete various goals and tasks, but we also need to be soberly aware of the existing problems and shortcomings.

Fourth, quality education for all employees should be taken as the fundamental task to provide talent support for the construction of a century old store.

Members of the leading group of each unit affiliated to the Party branch sign a letter of responsibility for the construction of party conduct and clean government with the person in charge of the department.

Combining safety, technology, quality, energy, on-site, and personnel management assessment standards, we should focus on the common management of ideas, courage, ability, and results, and cultivate the work style of cadres and employees who want to do things, dare to do things, can do things, and accomplish things.

And circulated a notice on the latest typical spiritual issues of the group company’s violation of the eight central regulations, warning party members and leading cadres to take the case as a lesson and strengthen self discipline.

Strictly manage cadres, strictly manage various disciplines, and seriously implement various assessment systems.

Based on the current situation of the company’s party building and production management, five suggestions are proposed: First, always take political construction as the leadership to ensure high-quality development without bias.

Integrate ideas into a common goal to ensure production and promote unity.

Armed with the Party’s innovative theory, and based on the belief that “Mongolia and Wei have great potential”, implement the concept of “development depends on employees, and development results are shared with employees”.

Backbones at all levels have low initiative in participating in party building work, and the promotion and transmission force of grasping party building work is insufficient.

The secretary of the branch and members of the unit’s leading group signed a letter of responsibility for the construction of a clean and honest party style.

Establish the concept that human resources are the first resource, and focus on cultivating high-quality talent teams.

Focusing on annual goals, we will not relax, decompose indicators, find ways, think of measures, divide responsibilities, strengthen assessment, and strive to complete various tasks of cement production, creating better performance in 2023.

Improving the supervision system is an important sign of improving the modernization of the management system and management level.

Cadres should take the lead in setting an example, earnestly learning, observing, and maintaining the rules, and should be mindful and hold the rule in hand.

Fifth, the phenomenon of “petty corruption and petty corruption” around employees is constantly prohibited, and the development environment with a clean and healthy atmosphere needs to be further created.

Read out the “Letter of Commitment on Honesty and Integrity of Middle Level Leaders of Moneyworth Company” and “Letter of Commitment on Honesty and Integrity of Personnel in Key Positions of Moneyworth Company”.

The fourth is that the quality and ability of the staff are not strong, and the level of quality control throughout the production process lags far behind the level of advanced enterprises.

At the meeting, Kong Weihua made a special report on the organization of Party conduct supervision and learning in 2022 and the implementation of Party conduct and clean government construction in the branch, and deployed the work tasks of the branch in 2023.

Improve the teaching level and training effectiveness of teachers, and ensure strict and practical assessment and testing.

Pay close attention to employee training and improve the training system.

First, party affairs cadres lack a strong awareness and ability to focus on party building and the construction of a clean and honest party style.

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