China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Cement production patrol inspector simulation test question 3 (including the answer)

At the same time, there must be someone outside to monitor.

(√) 16.

Set up prohibited signs when necessary.

The basic skills that inspectors should have do not include (C) A.

In case of emergency, it can be crossed on the belt conveyor that is stopped.

( ×) 9.

Then unlock and take the license plate, notify the central control, and place the key switch beside the machine in the “central control” position.

Wrench D.

Cooling air C.


Strengthening the ventilation in the mill can timely discharge the particles in the mill, reduce the over-grinding phenomenon and buffer effect, and improve the grinding efficiency.

The mill output is high, but the product fineness is low, which may be due to the high wind speed in the mill, the strong impact ability of the grinding body and the weak grinding ability.

The shutdown time of the equipment is relatively short.


When working at height (upper part), pay attention to observation and keep communication smooth, and properly place tools and objects to prevent falling and hurting people.

For equipment with limited rotation direction, it must be determined that the rotation direction of the motor is consistent with that required by the equipment before commissioning.

(√) 7.

(√) 6.

The manhole door and observation hole can be closed only when there is no potential safety hazard.

Increasing the rotor speed of the separator can reduce the specific surface area of the product.

(√) 14.

During gas welding and cutting operations, the oxygen cylinder and open fire shall not be less than 5 meters, and the acetylene cylinder and open fire shall not be less than 10 meters.

If there is no patrol inspection before startup, you can start the machine first, and strengthen the patrol inspection after startup.

For equipment maintenance, the electrician on duty shall cut off the power supply and hang a warning sign: “Do not switch on”, and can work only after the electricity is verified to be no power.

( ×) 5.

Which of the following cases will not cause belt deviation (C) A head pulley wear B carrier roller accumulation C Motor power D head and tail pulley non-parallel 6.

In many cases, the failure to clean the maintenance site thoroughly and timely has little impact on production, so the site cleaning can be carried out when there are sufficient personnel and time.

Flashlight B.

( ×) 12.

(√) 10.

Increasing the amount of grindable active admixture can help reduce the energy consumption of the cement mill system.

The system equipment operates normally and the changes of various parameters are relatively small, so the post records can be recorded once or twice in a centralized manner, and it is unnecessary to record every hour.

In the process of patrolling the air conveying chute, it is only necessary to check the material flow in the chute.

When maintaining the reducer, the chassis cover should be opened regularly to check the engagement and wear of all gears, whether the gears are broken or corroded, and the gear wear should not exceed the tooth thickness (A).

Judge whether the grading of the mill is reasonable, mainly according to the grinding sound, the output and fineness of the mill, the inspection in the mill, and the screen residue curve.

Be familiar with the scope of work, tasks and equipment inspection route map of the area B.

In case of major dangerous situation during equipment operation, the post worker can take measures of emergency shutdown beside the machine, but must timely notify relevant personnel for inspection and handling.


Increase the water displacement D.


shovel C.


The pressure of the air tank should not be lower than (A) MPa in general.

A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% 4.

The patrol inspection and maintenance of the equipment should be continuous, continuous and comprehensive.

If there is no accumulated material in the chute, it means that the chute operates normally.

Do not use your body near the conductive part of all electrical equipment without experience.

( ×) 17.

Hammer 3.

Be familiar with the composition of the personnel in this department D.

When the oil supply pressure of the service station is too low and the system is not ready, the oil supply valve can be partially closed to improve the oil supply pressure and prepare the system for startup.

All manhole doors and observation holes shall be well sealed.

Cooling water B.

( ×) 2.

During maintenance, the maintenance personnel shall keep in touch with the post worker or central control operator at any time.

Which of the following measures can not reduce the ambient temperature of rolling bearing (D) A.

(√) Third, multiple choice questions (1 point for each question, 30 points in total) 1.

(√) 18.

Be familiar with the structure and performance of equipment in the area, Be familiar with the operation and maintenance of the equipment under his jurisdiction C.

( ×) 19.


There are different contents for the patrol inspection and maintenance during the operation or shutdown of the equipment.

(√) 4.

Be familiar with the equipment list of the equipment under his jurisdiction in this area 2.



The lighting power must use safe voltage.

(√) 13.

The most effective measure to improve the production and quality of cement grinding is to reduce the particle size of raw materials.

Press the on-site emergency stop button to stop the equipment in case of equipment or personal accident, but notify the central control operator at the same time.

The tools carried by the patrol inspectors do not include (B) A.

After equipment maintenance, carefully count the tools, materials and personnel on the site and clean up the sundries on the maintenance site.

There must be more than 2 people to supervise and protect each other when entering the equipment for maintenance.

( ×) 8.

In order to avoid the belt slipping and deviation of the belt conveyor, resulting in material blocking and other accidents, the more the belt conveyor’s counterweight is added, the better.


2、 True or false questions (1 point for each question, 20 points in total) 1.

When all startup instructions are issued, the post workers must be notified in advance to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the equipment, and the equipment can only be started after receiving the feedback of the information about the permission to start.

1、 Fill in the blanks (1 point for each blank, 20 points in total) 1.

In case of power failure, the power failure ticket formalities must be handled in time, and a warning board must be hung on its control cabinet.

The ventilation rate and wind speed of the cement mill system can be changed through the opening of the exhaust fan damper and the motor speed of the exhaust fan.

(√) 11.

When the mill does not stop stably, the second start will easily cause the gear ring to break.

When Roots blower is started, the damper must be opened; The damper must be closed when the centrifugal fan is started.

Ring Clutch

( ×) 20.

The judgment of the blockage of the chute of the powder concentrator is based on the increase of the current of the elevator and the decrease of the current of the powder concentrator.

Increase the lubricating oil 5.

(√) 3.

(√) 15.

The belt protection device includes a rope switch, a speed measuring switch, an emergency stop switch, etc.

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