China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Chen Zhenggao asked at the national precast building work site meeting to vigorously develop precast buildings to promote the transformation

Housing and construction departments at all levels should firmly establish a political awareness, a sense of the overall situation, a sense of the core, and a sense of keeping in line.

We will vigorously promote EPC, and achieve unified management and deep integration of engineering design, component production, construction and procurement.

The second is to comprehensively form the technical standards for precast buildings.

Fourth, we should build a new workforce.

Second, we must have determination and boldness, which is the key to the development of precast buildings.

Other cities with a permanent population of more than 3 million are active regions, while other cities are encouraged regions to develop precast concrete structures, steel structures and modern wood structures in line with local conditions.

Next, we should focus on seven tasks, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in the development of precast buildings.

Third, we must plan for systematic promotion, which is an important guarantee for the development of precast buildings.

The municipal government issued the implementation opinions on promoting the development of precast buildings, issued a series of policies and measures, and proposed that in principle, all qualified new buildings in Shanghai should adopt precast buildings.

Chen Zhenggao pointed out that precast buildings are a major change in the way of construction, and we should fully understand the significance of developing precast buildings.

Third, we will intensify the construction of basic industries.

They should act vigorously and perseveringly, seize the precast buildings that rewrite the history of architecture and affect the history of architecture, and give a satisfactory answer to the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the people of the country…

We should focus on seven tasks, including technology, talents and policies, which are required by Chen Zhenggao.

It is necessary to adapt to the development of precast buildings and promote the reform of management system in survey and design, production of parts and components, project cost, bidding, construction organization, quality supervision, etc.

Fifth, further increase policy support.

First, fully implement the development goals and key tasks of precast buildings.

Second, we can absorb, digest and make use of foreign successful experience.

Beijing and Zhejiang proposed that by 2020, precast buildings should account for 30% of new buildings in advance; Hebei clearly put forward the steel structure building as the main direction of development of precast buildings; Jilin has put forward the idea of creating conditions to pilot the development of wood structure building industrialization; Shandong Province implements the “four compulsions” policy and actively develops precast buildings.

In order to implement the spirit of the Central Urban Work Conference, exchange and learn from the experience of Shanghai and other places, and comprehensively promote the development of precast buildings.

All localities should speed up the cultivation of leading enterprises and key enterprises in the industrial chain that can integrate design, production and construction in combination with local conditions and the development of surrounding regions.

The development of precast building is a major change in the construction method.

Sixth, we will promote innovation in the management system and mechanism of the construction industry.

Fourth, the need to shorten the construction period.

We should speed up the formation of a standard system for a complete set of modular buildings, and speed up the formulation of technical specifications for the three major structural systems of precast concrete structures, steel structures and modern wood structures.

Shanghai focused on the construction of systems and mechanisms, gave full play to the leading role of the market in resource allocation, and made positive progress in all aspects of precast buildings.

Crown Foot Anchor

Seventh, the housing construction department should make a contribution to the development of precast buildings.

In the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction, it is proposed to develop new construction methods, vigorously promote precast buildings, and strive to make precast buildings account for 30% of the newly built building area in about 10 years.

Chen Zhenggao pointed out that we should deeply understand the essence of the experience of developing precast buildings in Shanghai and other places.

In 2016, the city has completed 13.85 million square meters of assembled buildings, doubling for two consecutive years, with 41 precast component manufacturers and a production capacity of 12 million square meters.

We should start from design, start from factory production, and start from on-site assembly to create a new team.

Third, the need to ensure project quality.

Implement the deployment, vigorously develop precast buildings, actively implement the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and vigorously promote the development of precast buildings.

On September 27, 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Fabricated Buildings, proposing to focus on the three urban agglomerations of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.

Fabricated building is a building assembled by precast components on the construction site.

From design, production to construction and assembly, precast buildings are a fundamental change to the past construction methods.

First, we must have a world perspective, and we should deeply understand the significance of developing precast buildings to improve the level of urban modernization and promote economic and social development.

On November 19, 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development held a national on-site meeting on precast buildings in Shanghai.

Encourage local governments to introduce supporting policies and measures in finance, finance, taxation, planning, land and other aspects, and guide and support social capital to invest in precast buildings.

Dongfeng is strong.

Chen Zhenggao stressed that the development of precast buildings now has a good foundation and three favorable conditions.

The second is the need to achieve architectural modernization.

Fourth, the city leaders did it by themselves, which is the basis of Shanghai’s experience.

Everything is ready to promote precast buildings.

In about 10 years, the proportion of precast buildings in the newly built building area will reach 30%.

Third, some regions, some enterprises and some design units have already tried first and accumulated experience.

Chen Zhenggao, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Fifth, new industries and related service industries can be created.

First, the need to implement the concept of green development.

It is of great responsibility to develop precast buildings.

All localities shall implement relevant preferential policies for manufacturers of precast building components.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of precast buildings.

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