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Do you dare to eat tomatoes grown from cement plant exhaust?

The green and low-carbon development of major industries such as cement and glass has reached the international advanced level.

The production system of green and low-carbon circular development has initially taken shape, and ecological and industrial suitability has become the mainstream value of the industry.

In 2020, the proportion of carbon emissions from China’s cement industry once reached 13.5% of the total.

It is difficult to say that there is still “spare money” to carry out low-carbon transformation of production lines.

The entry of the cement industry into the carbon market is conducive to giving play to the market mechanism, encouraging cement enterprises to tackle key issues through green and low-carbon technologies, and accelerating the development, promotion and application of advanced and applicable technologies.

In addition to the thermal power industry that we are familiar with, among many industrial types, the construction material cement is also one of the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions.

As Conch Group continues to explore exhaust gas utilization channels, it will also become an important thrust for industry progress.

The use of tail gas purification by Conch Group to plant tomatoes is only a small attempt on the road to carbon reduction in the cement industry.

Up to now, 171 cement companies have participated in carbon trading, and over 1000 cement companies in non pilot areas have been included in the regular checklist locally.

At the same time, the issue of carbon emission reduction in key industries is also one of the key topics of attention during the 2023 National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress.

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Based on this concept, cement companies have come up with “tricks” to continuously innovate carbon dioxide utilization methods, in order to reduce emissions while opening up profit growth space.

Source: Anhui Daily, Conch Group, etc.

According to the requirements of the “Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in the Building Materials Industry”, by 2025, the building materials industry will fully achieve carbon peak, and industries such as cement will take the lead in reaching the peak before 2023.

For enterprises, the sooner they participate in it, the more competitive they will have.

Therefore, the industry has placed more emphasis on tail gas treatment, such as the CCUS model, which can achieve carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

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However, due to the extreme tradition of every link from production to sales, it is not easy for the cement industry to achieve carbon reduction and transformation.

In addition, entering the “14th Five Year Plan” period, dual control of energy consumption, power and production restrictions, and soaring coal prices have added significant cost pressure to enterprises.

Currently and in the future, effectively reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption is a must answer question for the cement industry.

The total carbon emission control of major industries such as cement has achieved phased results.

According to a recent report by Anhui Daily, carbon dioxide captured in the tail gas of Baimashan Cement Plant of Conch Group is being used as a “gas fertilizer” for planting tomatoes.

With the concerted efforts of all sectors of society, the use of carbon dioxide captured from industrial production is gradually expanding outwardly through technologies such as carbon dioxide chemical utilization, carbon dioxide geological utilization, carbon dioxide mineralization utilization, and carbon dioxide biological utilization.

The person in charge said that using purified food grade carbon dioxide as plant gas fertilizer can create the best conditions for crop growth, fully increase production, and achieve recycling and reuse.

According to the final results, the carbon emission intensity of the cement industry in the pilot provinces is generally lower than that in non pilot provinces.

Therefore, in the context of the “dual carbon” strategy, carbon emission reduction in the cement industry has become an inevitable trend.

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In order to force green transformation and upgrading of enterprises, the cement industry has also been listed as a priority in the seven regional carbon emission trading pilot projects that began in 2012.

Halfen Channel

According to the “Suggestions on Accelerating the Entry of the Cement Industry into the Carbon Market” of Conch Group, the carbon emissions of the cement industry account for 7.5% of the global total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and the carbon emissions of China’s cement industry account for 13.75%.

So, how did the “wonderful” combination of cement plants and tomato cultivation come about? According to the report, in order to expand the tomato planting business, Baimashan Cement Plant has set up a dedicated intelligent temperature control room to transport the captured carbon dioxide through pipelines, and adjust the gas delivery amount according to the lighting conditions.

As the cement industry accelerates its entry into the carbon market, its exhaust gas disposal requirements will be further improved, with preemptive efforts and innovative layout.

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