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Is chicken pecking at the cement ground eating soil? I can’t look directly at the cement after watching it

They also discharge bright red insect juice: when frightened, their backs will exude red liquid, which may have a warning and waterproof effect.

If you take a closer look, you will find many bright red bugs on the cement walls and pavement.

But there seems to be nothing on the cement.

Cement mites are the natural enemies of many plant pests, which is why they prefer to lie on trees, especially fruit trees, in areas with vegetation.

Unlike the other common red mite we will talk about below, the chigger mite, the cement mite is free throughout its life and does not require any “master”.

In cities, cement mites like to roam on cement buildings or concrete floors.

Have you ever noticed that after outdoor activities in spring and summer, light colored clothes sometimes inexplicably show some red dots.

What are they eating? Are they eating soil? (Image source: pexels) Birds are not so stupid, they may be pecking at a Chinese red colored eight clawed small animal – the cement mite.

They are said to “hunt” because they do eat meat, but they eat other small animals, such as other mites, insects, and their eggs.

But don’t be afraid, they don’t eat people.

Also due to the nature of this orchard’s eight claw predator, some researchers hope to cultivate cement mites as biological pest control species, helping humans eliminate agricultural pests

These small red dots may come from cement mites that have been flattened by you.

But in places with lush vegetation, they actually prefer to stay in trees.

These “little red mites” rely on their own hunting, hunting, and gathering for a living, which is different from other species of the red mite family and more similar to the early survival mode of wild humans.

Is that your bloodstain after being bitten by mosquitoes, or is it the mark of the chosen one? Not really.

The red mite family is distributed worldwide, with cement mites, also known as the Balaustium genus, having the highest number of species.

Cement mites are arthropods of the Balaustium genus, which are lively and enjoy being lively.

Don’t move the chicken.

Cement mites can grow up to 2 millimeters in length, and most of them are bright red.

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Cover Source: Pickpick Article Source: Bringing Science Home (id: steamforkids) Author: Qijun, I don’t know if you have ever noticed a phenomenon: chickens and sparrows sometimes peck back and forth on the concrete floor.

(Image source: see watermark) Cement mites are organisms of the Erythraeidae family.

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