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Live broadcast preview | How to enable the construction and transformation of residential buildings in the post epidemic era

At 3:00 p.m.

on January 10, the live broadcast of Smart Fit invited Zhang Bowei, the chief engineer of China Zhongyuan International Engineering Co., Ltd.’s Fabricated Building Technology Research Center, Cao Yijie, the member of the Expert Committee of the Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the general manager of Huanai Smart Fit Manufacturing (Hebei) Co., Ltd., the expert of the Housing Industry Branch of China Building Decoration Association Zhang Kaifei, General Manager of the Assembly Business Department of Huanai Intelligent Decoration (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., discussed the topic of “How to Enable the Construction and Transformation of Residential Buildings in the Post epidemic Era by Assembling”.

In the post epidemic era, residential buildings have not only met the basic needs of living, but also considered how to more systematically address people’s demands for health, comfort and personalization.

Among them, the assembly style, which is mainly characterized by environmental protection of materials, convenient construction, factory prefabrication and on-site assembly, may bring us more solutions and countermeasures.

and an expert of the Housing Industry Branch of China Building Decoration Association, Huanai Intelligent Decoration (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., the general manager of the assembly business department, has come to see the assembly interior tide coming.

on January 10, 2023 (Tuesday) Guest introduction: Zhang Bo, a distinguished guest of China Zhongyuan International Engineering Co., Ltd., is a distinguished guest of the Center for Assembled Building Technology Research, Cao Yijie, member of the expert committee of the Assembled Decoration Technology Innovation Center of the Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development Zhang Kaifei, a distinguished guest of the general manager of (Hebei) Co., Ltd.

on January 10, we sincerely invite you to visit the Huanai Smart Clothes Live Studio to “see the future of assembly style” with the topic of “how to enable the construction and transformation of residential buildings in the post epidemic era with assembly style”! There will also be surprise gifts for participating in the interaction in the live studio~Make an appointment for the next live broadcast!..

In the future, there will be a broad market prospect of trillion yuan.

At 3:00 p.m.

Let’s “look at the future of assembling” together, and discuss the live broadcast room together! Live broadcast preview Smart Watch Assembly “How to empower the construction and transformation of residential buildings in the post epidemic era” Live broadcast time: 3 p.m.

How to interpret the status quo of assembled interior delivery? How to explore the future development path of the industry? How to grasp the opportunities and challenges given by the times? In this regard, Huanai Intelligent Decoration specially launched the live broadcast column “Smart Look at Assembly”, hoping to bring more thinking and inspiration to the future development of the assembled interior decoration through dialogue with outstanding enterprise executives and industry experts in the field of assembly, and work together to promote the healthy and efficient development of the industry.

In recent years, the assembly interior industry has developed rapidly, and excellent innovative enterprises have risen rapidly.

Lifting Insert

The epidemic has had a huge impact on the rapidly developing construction industry, but it also brings opportunities for urban residents and buildings to re-examine and rethink.

During the period of epidemic prevention at home, the residential demand presents different changes according to the population.

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