China Precast Magnet

Precast Concrete Accessories

Masonry technical requirements for refractory materials of cement kiln

Fixing Socket

The basic requirements for bricklaying in the kiln are: the brick lining is close to the shell, the bricks are close to each other, the brick joints are straight, the circles are accurate, the bricks are locked firmly, and there is no dislocation, and there is no sag and void.


During welding, full welding must be carried out, and the anchors shall be wrapped with adhesive tape (or coated with asphalt, paraffin, etc.) to prevent the expansion of the anchors and cracking of the castables.


The plumpness of mortar shall be more than 95% to ensure the compactness of brick joints.

The circumferential lines shall be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the kiln axis.

3、 Construction requirements for castables 1.

The castables must be mechanically mixed and vibrated.

2、 Construction requirements for refractory bricks 1.


It must be checked in a ring.

All residual materials and removed firebricks in the kiln shall be removed to ensure that the steel plate of the kiln body is clean, and the corroded iron sheet shall be removed; 5.

After the completion of the brickwork of the whole kiln, the brick lining shall be thoroughly cleaned and fastened before ignition.


Precautions during construction: Hammer shall not be used during construction, and the following phenomena of refractory bricks shall be avoided: inversion of large and small ends, drawing lots, mixing, dislocation, inclination, uneven mortar joints, climbing, centering, double joints, opening, void, rough joints, zigzag bends, bulging of bricks, lack of edges and corners, etc.

During masonry, the steel plate shall not exceed the brick edge, and shall not be inserted or bridged.

The kiln longitudinal datum line shall be set out in a “cross” shape and symmetrically along the circumference, and each line shall be parallel to the kiln axis; The circumferential reference line shall be placed every 4m along the axis, and each line shall be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the kiln axis; 4.


The agglomerated castables shall not be remixed or added with water.

Before construction of castables, check the appearance and cleanness of the equipment, the type, layout, welding and expansion compensation treatment of the anchor parts, the uneven parts on the shell (welds, welding slag) should be polished, and the surrounding water loss prevention measures should be taken; Pre-test of materials and quality of construction water.


Generally, no expansion joint is set in the calcium silicate board layer, and the expansion joint is generally less than 10mm.




The cone part should be constructed in sections, the slope of the inclined wall surface should be accurate, and the lining surface should be smooth to ensure smooth blanking and no material storage during production and operation; 9.

The remaining materials in the kiln and the removed firebricks shall be completely removed, and the carcass shall also be cleaned.


1、 Quality requirements before masonry: 1.

The parts of the shell that cannot be corrected shall be aligned with mud.

Requirements for refractory bricks during masonry: the top of the brick lining shall be fully close to the surface of the cylinder without gaps, the large faces of adjacent single bricks shall be fully contacted, the length of processed bricks shall not be less than 50% of the original brick, and the thickness shall not be less than 80% of the original brick.

Requirements for bricklaying mortar: different tools shall be used for different quality mortar, and the mortar shall be prepared with clean water, accurately weighed and mixed evenly.


The slab width is about 10mm less than the brick width.

The prepared mud shall not be diluted with water at will.

Masonry quality requirements: straight brick joints, uniform mortar mouth, flat arc surface and tight joints.

The castables must be mixed with clean drinking water.

During bricklaying, it is forbidden to knock bricks directly with iron hammer, and wooden hammer or rubber hammer must be used.

There are a large number of process holes in the preheater, calciner and rising flue, which should be checked one by one and carefully constructed.


The setting out shall be done well.

It is not allowed to turn the kiln after fastening.

Before construction, the datum line shall be carefully set out.

Before construction in the kiln, the kiln shell shall be comprehensively inspected, the center line of the kiln shell shall be aligned, the uneven parts (welds and welding slag) on the shell shall be polished, and the sundries in the kiln shell shall be cleaned.

Wet masonry shall be adopted at the interface of new and old bricks, and the silica mortar brick masonry must be wet masonry, and attention shall be paid to the change of brick type ratio.

Requirements for caulking steel plate for brickwork: the thickness is generally 1~2mm, and it is required to be flat, without curling, twisting and burr.


The openings of the anchors shall be staggered with each other.

Kiln technical management personnel shall make masonry records, which include: masonry date, masonry position, brick type and quality, technical director, supplier, etc.

Reservation of expansion joints: expansion joints must be set for large-area wall linings, and the pouring material shall be set every 1.5m2 or so, and the expansion joints shall be left in the middle of the anchor interval.

Ensure that the brick lining and kiln body are reliably concentric during operation.


Anchors shall be welded in the ring beam of cyclone drum and calciner, and each expansion joint shall be reserved according to the drawing.

The amount of water added shall be strictly controlled according to the product technical requirements.

Brick joint requirements: when the ring masonry method is used, the length of the selected bricks shall be uniform, and the deviation of the ring joint length per meter shall be less than 2mm, but the maximum deviation of the single ring length shall not exceed 8mm.


Masonry method: when the length of the brickwork is less than 4m, it can be built manually and supported by the jacking press; When the bricklaying length is greater than 4m, bricklaying machine shall be used to speed up the bricklaying speed.

When the bricks are joined with the calcium silicate board, they should be constructed step by step; Through joints of different calcium silicate boards, and expansion joints shall be reserved according to design requirements; The brickwork shall not be skewed, the mortar fullness shall reach more than 95%, and the surplus mortar on the brick surface shall be leveled; For the wall of brick-concrete structure, the castable part should be flat and smooth, and the bricks on the castable should not be built until the castable has a certain strength; 4.

A maximum of one steel plate is allowed in each joint.

The refractory bricks of the wall should be laid in staggered joints.


Where the top of the wall section supported by each layer of brick supporting plate is connected with the upper layer of brick supporting plate, a transverse expansion joint shall be set, and the joint shall be filled with high-temperature resistant fiber cotton or refractory fiber felt.

The construction unit shall be cautious in handling refractory bricks and strictly control the damage rate of refractory bricks within 2%; 3.

It is forbidden to put refractory bricks with edge damage and corner damage beyond the control range into use.


The circumferential reference line shall be set every 10m, and the construction control line shall be set every 2m.

The mixed castables shall be poured within 30 minutes.

The surface brick joints shall be pointed with original mortar.

The bricklaying shall be carried out in strict accordance with the use requirements of the bricklaying machine and the quality requirements of bricklaying.

The manufacturing department (or safety production department) shall supervise the bricklaying quality when repairing the kiln.

Surveying and setting out in the kiln: the longitudinal datum line of the kiln shall be set every 1.5m along the circumference, and each line shall be parallel to the kiln axis.

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