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Southern Cement (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Red engine driven “green” cement intelligent manufacturing

The realization of green intelligent manufacturing with gray cement is inseparable from the drive of the red engine.

“Meishan Town is the site of the former Soviet Zhejiang Military Region of the New Fourth Army, where the enterprise is rooted and constantly draws development momentum from the red history.” Lin Guorong, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Southern Cement (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., introduced that Southern Cement is a state-owned super large cement enterprise, with Huzhou Huaikan Southern Cement Co., Ltd.

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Under the leadership of the “Party member commando team”, in just 12 months, a green and intelligent production line was successfully completed, making Huaikan South the first cement enterprise in the province to complete phased ultra-low emission transformation and pass expert acceptance.

This is the first all-electric comprehensive logistics project in the cement industry invested and operated by Southern Logistics in China.

Through field investigation and repeated demonstration, he successfully completed the main road on site, laying a solid foundation for the follow-up project.

To this end, Li Zhenxing joined forces with key employees of the project department and young party members to establish a “Party member commando team”.

(hereinafter referred to as “Southern Logistics”) and other 42 member enterprises.

Pioneer leadership benefits from the cohesion of team building.

In front of the clinker silo of the Huaikan South Production Line, a 35.5km long “air transportation corridor” extends from the clinker silo to the distance.

(hereinafter referred to as “Huaikan Southern”) Huzhou Southern Logistics Co., Ltd.

In recent years, Southern Cement has adhered to the deep integration of party building and enterprise development, introducing mechanisms such as “Party member commandos” and “Party member vanguard posts” to boost the green and high-quality development of the enterprise.

A few days ago, walking into Meishan Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, winding through the green mountains, a red cement factory stood out.

The cement clinker that has just been put off the production line is continuously transported to the wharf through a fully closed corridor conveyor belt.

Li Zhenxing, secretary of the temporary party branch of the project department, recalled that there was a huge deep trench running across the north and south of the construction site at that time, impeding the passage of engineering machines.

The Party Committee of Southern Cement has formulated 33 party building work systems, persisting in using systems to manage power, affairs, and people, and continuously enhancing team cohesion, execution, and combat effectiveness.

This is the 7500 tons/day cement clinker production line of Huzhou Huaikan Southern Cement Co., Ltd.

The company has 1044 party members, of whom 569 are located in key positions such as management, research and development, and production technology-

The project uses the second generation of new dry process cement intelligent production technology, with energy consumption indicators lower than international and domestic standards.

Not only do “commandos” overcome difficulties, but party members and pioneers in other positions also strive to take the lead.

It is reported that when the Huaikan South Production Line Project was started in January 2019, a temporary party branch of the project department was established, comprising members of the “full cycle business chain” of marketing, research and development, design, procurement, and on-site construction.

Under the towering preheater and giant rotary kiln, there are numerous flowers and trees, and there is no smoke and dust in the park.

“This conveyor belt spans Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, with an annual transportation capacity of 14 million tons, and daily maintenance work cannot be relaxed.” Wang Dong, deputy manager of the production department of Southern Logistics, said that more than 10 party members and young employees from the production department established the “Party Pioneer Post”, which drills into the stuffy corridor every two hours every day to inspect the conveyor belt equipment and identify potential safety hazards.

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