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The cement test report is fake! The testing agency has been fined!

Brief description of the case: On June 9, 2022, the Hainan Provincial Market Supervision and Administration conducted a special inspection on the inspection and testing market, and found that the inspection results of some items in the inspection report issued by the parties were inconsistent with the original inspection records, and the approver specified in the Inspection Report was not included in the approval of the “Authorized Signatories and Fields Table of Hainan Junsheng Jiayi Testing Service Co., Ltd.”.

Penalty results: The party’s behavior violates Article 14, paragraphs 1 and 2, item 2, of the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Inspection and Testing Institutions Item 5: “An inspection and testing institution shall not issue false inspection and testing reports.

An inspection and testing report issued by an inspection and testing institution shall be considered a false inspection and testing report if it contains any of the following circumstances: (2) forging or altering original data or records, or failing to use original data or records in accordance with standards or other regulations; (5) “Forging the official seal of an inspection and testing institution or the special seal for inspection and testing, or forging the signature of the authorized signatory or the date of issuance.” “The provision of” “is an act of issuing false inspection and testing reports.”.

Recently, the Hainan Provincial Municipal Supervision Bureau released the “2023 Typical Cases of the” Iron Fist “Action in the Field of People’s Livelihood, in which Hainan Junsheng Yijia Testing Service Co., Ltd.

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Upon investigation, the party concerned is mainly engaged in inspection and testing services and construction project quality testing.

issued a false inspection report and was fined.

Steel Chamfer

Source: Hainan Municipal Bureau of Supervision.

After receiving the case transfer materials, Danzhou City Market Supervision Bureau conducted a case filing investigation on the parties on December 5, 2022.

On February 27, 2023, According to Article 26 of the “Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Inspection and Testing Institutions”, if an inspection and testing institution has any of the following circumstances, and if laws and regulations provide for administrative penalties such as revocation, revocation, or cancellation of inspection and testing qualifications or certificates, the provisions of the laws and regulations shall apply; if there are no provisions in the laws and regulations, the market supervision and administration department at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections within a prescribed time limit and impose a fine of 30000 yuan: (2) “Issuing false inspection and testing reports in violation of Article 14 of these Measures.” “Order the parties to correct their illegal acts, and impose an administrative penalty of 30000 yuan on them.”.

On November 20, 2021, the “specific surface area” inspection result specified in the “Cement Strength and Physical Properties Inspection Report” (Report No.: C012021-11, Entrustment No.: C0120211116) issued by the party concerned was 342, but the “Original Record of Cement Strength and Physical Properties Inspection” (Test No.: C0120211116) did not contain any relevant records of the “specific surface area”; On May 7th, 2022, “The apparent density (kg/m3) (inspection result: 2660) and” crushing index value (%) “(inspection result: 9.3) are stated in the Gravel Inspection Report (report number: G012022-05, commission number: G012052007) issued by the party concerned, and the” apparent density (kg/m3) “(average value: 2620) and” crushing index value (%) “are stated in the Original Record of Physical Property Inspection of Gravel (test number: G0120220507).” (Average value: 8.2) is inconsistent, and Guo Xiaogang, the approver of the above two Inspection Reports, is not the authorized signatory of the parties.

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