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The Ministry of Transportation has issued another notice: in addition to widening the 3.5-meter cement road, we also need to achieve “four

In order to narrow the urban-rural gap and truly enrich rural areas, the country has also started to construct and renovate rural roads, achieving access to roads in every village, and hardening the once muddy roads to make it more convenient for farmers to travel.

The first aspect is to carry out comprehensive planning during the construction and renovation of roads, but it was not anticipated that many vehicles would pass through, ultimately resulting in the problem of narrow roads.

So this year, the country will rectify the narrow roads that exist in rural areas, meet the conditions, and if necessary, expand them.

However, compared to rural areas, rural roads are underdeveloped, and some villages are not interconnected.

As the saying goes, “If you want to be rich, build roads first”.

Because rural road construction is aimed at the whole country, and road construction is mostly paid for by the government, special funds are used for specific purposes, and the allocation must be able to pass through the road construction site.

We cannot let half of the construction work hinder rural development

The reason why there are many “3.5 meter” roads in rural areas is mainly due to two aspects.

Especially now that rural families have a better life, every household wants to buy a car, which is still not conducive to farmers’ travel.

The reason why cities can form a “metropolitan area” to attract a large number of talents to urban development is that the transportation in cities is more convenient.

As long as there are cars, there is no place you can’t reach, and you don’t have to detour because you want to go somewhere.

Generally speaking, the width of a car is about 1.6 meters, and a 3.5 meter road is barely enough to meet the traffic.

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However, some roads are only “the widest” of only 3.5 meters, which is less than 3.5 meters.

Coupled with poor road conditions, many foreign tourists and enterprises, even if they want to come to rural areas, will give up due to reasons such as roads, which has a significant impact on the rural economy and farmers’ travel.

In addition to geographical limitations, there are also financial issues that hinder the expansion of rural roads.

However, some construction companies intentionally build the road to a standard of 3.5 meters in order to obtain greater profits, so that they can earn more money and meet the minimum standards.

Why do rural roads need to be widened? Although new roads have been opened up and the road surface has been hardened in rural areas, there are still many roads with a width of about 3.5 meters, which can have an impact on traffic.

If large vehicles are used, they almost occupy the entire road.

Starting from this year, in addition to continuing the construction of rural roads, the Ministry of Transport has also issued a notice stating that in addition to expanding roads, “four goals” must be achieved.

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