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Tianshan Shares: It is expected that cement prices will be low before high this year

released an investor relationship activity record sheet, providing answers to questions about the demand situation in the cement market this year and the supply side measures to stabilize cement prices.

From the perspective of long-term development, it is necessary to follow the national dual carbon policy guidelines, reduce production capacity through carbon reduction and energy consumption reduction, strictly control new production capacity in terms of supply, and gradually phase out inefficient production capacity.

In April, rainfall in the south affected the construction progress, causing slight fluctuations in sales, and overall demand remained stable.


There is potential and space for expanding effective investment; The real estate market is expected to have basically bottomed out.

The details are as follows: 1.

Overview of cement prices this year? Answer: In 2022, prices are expected to be high before low, and this year they are expected to be high after low.

Expected for 2023: Overall demand remains stable and slightly improves compared to the same period.

In the short term, we will continue to implement the policy of staggered production, strengthen the policy of staggered production in various regions, avoid vicious competition at low prices, and ultimately achieve a return to a reasonable range of industry benefits, promote green, low-carbon, and digital intelligent transformation, and achieve healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

This year, coal prices are expected to stabilize and slightly decrease, but still fluctuate at high levels


After the Spring Festival, the market demand in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions gradually recovered, and prices gradually recovered, but the overall price level remained relatively low year-on-year; The demand in other regions is still weak, and prices fluctuate in a rational regression; Affected by sluggish demand in the northern market, prices remain low.

The industry needs to take multiple measures to implement supply side structural reform.

On May 16th, Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd.

How is the demand outlook for the second half of the year? Answer: The Chinese government adheres to the policy of seeking progress while maintaining stability and carrying out investment in infrastructure construction ahead of schedule.

What are the company’s expectations for coal prices? Answer: The increase in coal prices has brought cost pressure.

Last year, the company reduced costs through multiple channels, and after excluding the factor of coal prices, the cost of cement manufacturing has decreased.

Waved Anchor

What measures does the company take on the supply side to stabilize cement prices? Answer: The current situation of overcapacity in the cement industry is still severe, and prices depend on supply and demand.

How is the market demand this year? Answer: This year, the market recovered earlier after the Spring Festival.

The issuance of local government special bonds has accelerated, and key projects in the 14th Five Year Plan have been launched one after another.



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