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Use non-standard cement! The cement product factory involved has been closed down!

When the reporter came here again, the culvert had already been built, and a thin layer of concrete had been laid at the entrance and exit.

A high standard farmland project in Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province was exposed to the use of a large number of substandard “non-standard” reinforced cement pipes.

The thickness of the bottom plate obviously did not meet the construction standard requirements of 30 centimeters.

In the construction of high standard farmland, culverts are essential supporting facilities for water diversion, irrigation, drainage, and flood discharge, and reinforced concrete cement pipes are the core components of culverts.

The person in charge of the company admitted that they produced the reinforced concrete cement pipes used for the construction of high standard farmland in Binhai County.

So where are these non-standard reinforced concrete cement pipes produced? A staff member of the Caiqiao Town Project Department disclosed key information.

On March 16th, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, and the Public Security Bureau of Binhai County issued a briefing: To learn more about the purchase and sales of slag raw materials, you can click on the following applet to view or add customer service WeChat details.

The construction party selected non-standard cement pipes, and the amount of steel bars used decreased by half.

The reinforced concrete cement pipes used for the construction of high standard farmland in Binhai County are produced by the Liwu Cement Products Factory in Binhai County.

How did this non-standard cement pipe successfully pass the sampling inspection and acceptance at all levels and enter a high standard farmland construction project? Person in charge of Liwu Cement Products Factory: Ordinary (non standard) products are also reported according to the national standard.

The construction personnel told the reporter that during construction, they generally do not make the concrete bottom plate of the culvert.

According to the High Standard Farmland Construction Plan of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province (2021-2030), Binhai County, Yancheng City will build 1.1 million mu of high standard farmland within 10 years.

In 2022, the project is planned to enter the warehouse with 115000 mu, with a total planned investment of 349 million yuan.

Due to underground leaks in local high standard farmland, there is a problem of jerry-building in the reinforced concrete cement pipes used for construction.

The above content is sourced from the network and must be deleted for infringement.

According to construction specifications, below the culvert, concrete with a thickness of 20 cm to 30 cm should be precast as the bottom plate, and reinforced concrete cement pipes should be fixed on the bottom plate, then covered with soil and buried.

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However, for two completed culverts located in Shuangju Village, Jiepai Town, Binhai County, significant settlement occurred at one culvert and a deep crack also occurred at the other culvert due to foundation settlement.

National standard pipes, which require only a few sections to be inspected on site, are generally not fully used.

They directly lifted the cement pipe into the trench to lay it, burying it with soil and covering it.

The manufacturers cut corners, and the Binhai County Liwu Cement Products Factory and Binhai County Yishan Cement Products Factory were named.

According to high standard farmland construction specifications, the culvert design service life of the project is 30 years.

In order to conceal the public and pass the acceptance, they only lay some concrete at the entrance and exit.

However, at the high standard farmland construction site in Binhai County, the reporter saw such a scene: the cement pipe reinforcement was exposed and seriously damaged.

Construction supervision is a key link in ensuring project quality.

At the High Standard Farmland Construction Project Department in Jiepai Town, Binhai County, the reporter met with the construction supervisor responsible for the township project.

Construction supervision of high standard farmland project in Jiepai Town: We can’t dig out every one in the audit, just make sure the appearance meets the standard.

At a culvert construction site in Zhongxing Village, Jiepai Town, Binhai County, the reporter saw that the construction personnel used excavators to dig out the trench, and then simply leveled the trench with a bucket.

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