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Zhang Fangfang, the “cement girl” who became famous on the Internet by selling miserably, is now like this

Later, at the age of marriage, Zhang Fangfang married a man named Yu Bingquan in the next village on the recommendation of his relatives.

This is a big blow to this ordinary family.

Her happy life was broken by her husband’s liver cancer, and the cost of regular chemotherapy was also on her delicate body.

Yu Bingquan is also a rural man.

The two people fell in love and successfully married.

Once, her husband accidentally inhaled a large amount of dust while carrying cement at the construction site, resulting in lung infection.

The goal of both sides is to make money, and the common goal makes them hit it off and reach cooperation.

The doctor said that it was necessary to spend a lot of money in hospital.

Zhang Fangfang looked at the online celebrity in the short video and was very envious.

Although tired, time is free.

She carried three bags of cement on her shoulder.

In that year, countless people were moved by the woman who valued her love and called her “cement Xishi”.

“The last time Zhang Fangfang said that she was carrying 50 tons of cement a day, how did this interview turn into 96 tons?” “After becoming famous, Zhang Fangfang did not take less live broadcast with goods, and everyone’s gifts were sent as if they were free of money.

After graduating from junior high school, he worked in the factory and moved bricks to the construction site.

After marriage, she gave birth to two daughters.

With these videos, Zhang Fangfang also gained a lot of fans.

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These are the packaging and scripts of marketing companies.

When her husband was hospitalized, Zhang Fangfang was forced to assume the responsibility of supporting the family.


In this way, Zhang Fangfang began to work as a cement hauler.

But paper can’t hold fire after all, and fake can never be true.

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A woman carrying cement caused a contrast.

A woman was wearing shabby clothes, which were covered with dust and cement.

Thus, the online celebrity “Cement Girl” was born.

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Seeing a doctor spent all the savings of her and her husband in the past few years, and sold all the things that should be sold.

After the incident, she said: “I just want to experience life.

Source | Mr.

At first, people were moved by Zhang Fangfang’s story and had no doubt.

In 2017, a woman named “Cement Girl” became popular online.

This is not right.

But what happened next set Zhang Fangfang on an unusual path.

She came out to take care of the family to carry cement.

Many ordinary people can also become online celebrities by sending some funny videos or short plays, making a lot of money.

I just want him to accompany me for a few more years…” Countless netizens who did not know the truth were moved by the poor but strong weak girl and praised her in succession.

It turns out that carrying cement and saving sick husbands are fake.

Netizens are even more generous with their love, and have rushed to the live broadcast room to donate money, hoping that this kind woman can get through the difficulties as soon as possible.

She looked very sad.

With the help of the live broadcast and the reward from netizens, the Cement Girl has long become a rich woman who lives in a luxury house and drives a luxury car.

In the video, she is thin but strong and independent.

After all, I have never experienced that kind of poor life! But many netizens asked themselves: Why did they believe her story? 01 Li Yueyue, who was originally named Zhang Fangfang, was born in Xiaoxian County, Anhui Province.

Both parents were rural people.

Over the years, I have a deposit.

Then, an article entitled “Cement Sisters Carrying Cement to Save Cancer Husbands” was widely disseminated on major websites.

There are also netizens with tears in their eyes: “I’m not happy, but I can’t see the human suffering.” After that, he called Zhang Fangfang with his lunch money.

Her husband worked outside, and she took care of the children at home.

After Li Yueyue and Zhang Fangfang became angry, many media even promoted her as a model for women in the new era.

What’s more, there is no bitter color on the face of the cement girl.

Zhang Fangfang had poor grades since childhood and dropped out of school before graduating from junior high school.

At first, these videos were real.

After thinking about it, she thought it would be a good job to move cement.

Life was flat and warm.

In fact, here is the normal life of ordinary people.

Her husband was in hospital.

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She also wanted to become an online celebrity, so she registered an account and sent some videos of her own carrying cement to support her family every day.

When the heat gradually dissipates, the calm people will react.

She carried more than 100 million videos of cement and more than 3 million fans of short videos.

She did the work that should have been done by a man in order to cure her beloved husband.

Nobody expected that such an unexpected move would change her fate, even the fate of her family.

According to her own account, in order to make money to cure her husband with cancer, she needs to carry more than 50 tons of cement every day.

In November 2018, a news released by Xinhuanet opened the truth for us.

Many brands come to their door and offer very high treatment.

In order to subsidize her family, she chose to work in the county.

She smiled so brightly that no hardship could defeat her.

He is two years older than Zhang Fangfang and has little culture.

The media described Zhang Fangfang as follows: “She is a 28-year-old from Xiaoxian County, Suzhou City.

But before long, a marketing company contacted her.

In August 2017, a photo attracted the attention of netizens.

Because she has to take care of her children, she can’t do the work with strict commuting time.

02 Li Yueyue 2017 is a year of vigorous development of short video and We-media.

Her hair was wet with sweat.

On the day of the live broadcast, many netizens were sympathetic and generous.

Posts such as “28-year-old women carry 50 tons of cement every day, and the story behind it is so sad” spread out all over the world, which exaggerates even out of thin air.

A live broadcast made a lot of money, and the life of Zhang Fangfang’s family began to improve.

How come a year later, she was still carrying cement at the construction site?” Until one day, a netizen met Zhang Fangfang in the street.

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