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Zhang Lan, director of Cement People’s Network, and his delegation visited Jiangxi Wannianqing Cement Group

In this difficult environment, Evergreen Cement has adhered to the principle of “relying on Dalian to strengthen”, actively implemented peak shifting production, maintained close communication with other enterprise groups in the region, and effectively maintained the healthy operation of one market, which is commendable.

We hope to strengthen exchanges in the later stage and provide more help for the development of Evergreen enterprises.

During the exchange, the two sides jointly discussed the industry form and response ideas.

Evergreen Cement has always deeply practiced the concept of “golden mountains and silver mountains are green waters and green mountains”, adhered to the unshakable green development, set the goal and never relax, and vigorously promoted energy conservation and emission reduction and developed circular economy with the goal of creating a green factory and achieving “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”; At the same time, we should keep pace with the times, combine the reality of enterprise reform and development, innovate management methods, and promote scientific development.

Alternative fuels to reduce coal and carbon have become an important way to reduce emissions in the cement industry.

It is understood that six mines of Evergreen Cement have passed the on-site review of the provincial “green mines”, among which Yongfeng and Wujiashan mines are the first to be established.

On February 17, a delegation led by Zhang Lan, the director of the Cement People’s Network, and Gao Ruixia, the manager of the marketing department, visited Jiangxi Building Materials Group, and had in-depth exchanges with Chen Wensheng, the secretary of the group’s party committee, chairman and general manager, on the current cement market, dual-carbon and alternative fuels, and the development trend of the industry in recent years.

At present, Evergreen Cement is actively exploring and trying.

Zhang Lan believes that the “ten thousand year kiln” is of milestone significance in the development history of China’s new dry-process kiln.

In recent years, Wannianqing has always practiced the idea that enterprise benefits are nurtured in the industry benefits, constantly strengthened the enterprise competitiveness internally, and firmly implemented the staggered peak kiln shutdown externally, which is a model for enterprises in the industry to learn.

In the past three years, the demand will be relatively stable.

The various services provided to the enterprise are practical and grounded.

The cement industry is experiencing unprecedented difficulties, such as overcapacity, poor demand, low operation rate year by year, and high coal price, which brings great pressure to the survival of enterprises.

The project of “5G+interconnected smart cement factory” has been implemented in three manufacturing enterprises, covering production and manufacturing, energy control, equipment operation and maintenance, personnel safety, monitoring and early warning and other sectors, and basically realizing digital application.

Chen said that the cement people network has developed very well in recent years, with high attention at all levels of the enterprise, a wide audience and a solid mass base.

As we all know, cement is one of the industrial sectors with huge carbon emissions and the most difficult to reduce emissions.

Industry enterprises should seize the opportunity of transformation, actively implement the concept of “price, cost and profit”, and use staggered peak production to assist in energy conservation and consumption reduction.

When talking about the next trend of the industry, both sides agreed that the demand for cement has entered a downward phase.

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In order to achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase, advanced equipment at home and abroad is used to carry out technical transformation of raw material mill roller press, preheater decomposer, cement mill roller press and other equipment.

Source: Cement Human Network,

Finally, Mr.

In particular, it has played a leading role in the public opinion of the mainstream media in the supervision of industry peak shifting, guiding self-discipline and leading the price trend.

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