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Changsha | Using BIM technology and precast construction technology to accelerate the promotion of “industrial upgrading”

In order to quickly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, further deepen reforms in the construction field, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces in the construction field, on July 21, the Changsha Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and the Changsha Intelligent Construction Industry Chain Office issued the “Implementation Opinions on Using BIM Technology and Precast Construction Technology to Promote ‘Industrial Upstairs'” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”).

The issuance of the ‘Opinions’ means that this’ industrial upgrading’ model will be further promoted and applied in Changsha in the future.

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Changsha will develop and construct a number of new industrial buildings that integrate research and development, office, and production, enhance the intensity of land development, and promote technological innovation in the construction field.


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