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The difference between modular and PC prefabricated buildings

The difference between modular assembly buildings and PC component assembly buildings. With the rapid development of the construction industry, new building methods are emerging one after another. Among them, modular assembly buildings and PC component assembly buildings have received widespread attention due to their efficient and environmentally friendly characteristics. Although both of these building methods represent the direction of the construction industry, they have significant differences in practical applications..

Modular assembly building is a construction method that divides a building into several independent modules. Each module is prefabricated in the factory and then transported to the construction site for assembly. The biggest feature of this approach is the independence and interchangeability of modules, making the construction process more flexible and efficient. Meanwhile, as most of the work is completed within the factory, the noise, dust and other pollution at the construction site are greatly reduced. In contrast,.

PC component prefabricated buildings place greater emphasis on standardization and large-scale production of components. PC components, also known as prefabricated concrete components, are usually produced in the factory according to unified standards and then transported to the construction site for assembly. This approach emphasizes the universality and economies of scale of components, reducing costs and improving building efficiency through large-scale production. From a structural perspective, modular assembly buildings focus more on overall design, and each module needs to be customized according to the overall functionality of the building. PC prefabricated buildings, on the other hand, place greater emphasis on standardization of components, achieving the overall functionality of the building through the combination of different components..

Halfen Frimeda

Therefore, PC component assembly style buildings are more flexible in design and can be customized according to actual needs, while modular assembly style buildings are more suitable for large-scale and standardized construction projects. In terms of construction, modular assembly buildings can be assembled simultaneously at multiple construction points due to the independence of modules, greatly shortening the construction period. PC component prefabricated buildings, on the other hand, need to be assembled in the predetermined order, and the construction period is relatively long..

In addition, PC component assembly buildings have less dependence on construction sites and can be built in various complex terrains and environments, while modular assembly buildings are more suitable for construction on flat and open sites..

In summary, although modular assembly buildings and PC component assembly buildings are both new building methods, there are significant differences in design concepts, construction methods, and other aspects. PC component prefabricated buildings focus on overall design and personalized customization, suitable for complex and ever-changing building needs; Modular assembly buildings, on the other hand, emphasize standardization and economies of scale, making them suitable for large-scale and standardized construction projects. In practical applications, appropriate building methods should be selected based on specific needs and conditions to achieve efficient and environmentally friendly building goals..

If you are interested in the new system of standardized PC and modular assembly, please communicate on WeChat: jkszns666.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development recently issued a notice approving the “General Code for Civil Buildings” as a national standard, numbered GB 55031-2022, which will be implemented from March 1, 2023. This specification is mandatory.

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